Trying to clear up problems with gmail on my iPhone I decided to logout off Gmail on my computer so I try to isolated. I logged out. Found the password I had stored on Norton Password Vault was wrong.
I grabbed my trusty Norton “one time key.” Tried to log on again, was never presented with a place to use the key no matter how I used “try something else.” Google comes to me and says I must wait 48 hours and they sent me an I mail saying I can try to get back on. (*)
I start the google process again. It determine my account doesn’t exist.
The weird thing is gmail on Firefox is still working fine. I just done have a valid password.
(*) One of the strange things, if I can’t get into my email and google says they’ll email my permission to start again in 48 hours. How would I read that email?
So I do I convince the google that use my account exist (bet it wont stop them from billing me for storage) and I’d like to fix the password problem.