This afternoon when I was rebooting from Windows 8 to Windows 7 in my desktop dual boot, chkdsk wanted to check my Windows 8 boot disk. I let it run, and it finished quickly without finding anything amiss. But it did remind me that I had not run SeaTools for Windows from Seagate in quite a while.
I fired up SeaTools, and ran the short diagnostic self test on the three 1TB drives in my desktop. One of them failed the DST. I ran the Fix All – Fast tool, and it also failed about half-way through. My next to last resort when it comes to disk problems is chkdsk – slow but powerful. My last resort for disk problems is SpinRite from Gibson Research – more powerful still, but much slower.
That particular drive has 7 partitions. The problem area turned out to be the last partition (wouldn’t you know it?). The problem partition is 127GB, and chkdsk ran on it for over 6 hours, but it succeeded. After chkdsk finished, I ran SeaTools again, and the drive passed. I make drive images when changes in partition contents occur, so I’ll keep using this disk without worries.