• Garlic


    Remember garlic? Any body who has been around for a while might remember that about a year ago I asked about a good cooking lounge so I could find out how to preserve garlic. Well thanks to several people here who came up with suggestions for preseving/storing garlic. I tried several and last years garlic ju-u-ust made it thru to this years festival.

    Dried–easy to do, peal, slice, lay out on splatter screen, store in baby food jar, keeps best, excellent for use in soups and stews.

    Frozen–easy to do, peal, slice, store in plastic bag in freezer, kind of mushy when thawed especially by the end of year, flavor still good.

    Covered in wine–easy to do, peal, cover in white wine, store in baby food jar. Garlic picks up flavor or wine.

    Don’t think I will try the wine on the elephant garlic it is too mild and I am not fond of wine.

    Unfortunately the 2 quarts of garlic ice cream I brought back from the festival are almost gone. But the 4lbs of garlic should last a while.

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    • #615482

      Hi Bookie!

      A while ago I was at the annual County Show round my way and a trader in the food tent was selling jars of something he’d called ‘Devil’s Food’ devil , no relation to the cake. It basically consisted of whole cloves of garlic held in olive oil, a subtle hint of vinegar and something like pimento puree along with a few other herbs and spices. Even though I am a bit of a garlic fiend, I was worried this was taking things a little too far.

      Then I tried it – glorious!! angel. The garlic had taken on a slightly sweet taste from the vinegar, but not as much as a pickled onion, to the point that I was oblivious to how much I was eating hushmouth.

      If I ever find out exactly what’s in it, I’ll post it here.

    • #615483

      I have successfully used a food processor to chop several kilos of gralic, and then to fry it in lots of oil.

      I kept all the oil. with the fried garlic, for cooking 2 years after.

      It was great- but the house, and my fingers, stank for a long while after.

      • #615514

        At least it will keep the vampires away for a while… cauldron laugh

    • #615648

      A hint I picked up from a health magazine. If you want to intensify the taste of gralic in cooking leave it for about 10 minutes after it has been crushed or chopped. This allows the allicilins(? Might not be the right word)
      ) to combine to create a more intense flavour.
      yum NewZealand

    • #615667

      What i do with garlic to keep it fresh year round is after peeling i put it in small jars and cover generously with virgin olive oil. Then i refrigerate it. Keeps at least a year, then i usually run out. What’s great about this is if i’m feeling especially lazy and don’t feel like chopping the garlic, i just use the oil.

      • #615839

        I personally wouldn’t use extra virgin olive oil if you intended to fry in it. It’s too delicate for the heat and would be better off being added at the end of cooking after the pan is off the heat. No harm in using it as a salad dressing though, or stirred through mashed potatoes.

        • #615857

          Hehe, a fish is complaining about delicate flavour?

          It’s a good point about the flavour. Thanks.

      • #616175

        Something I read recommeded against using vinegar or oil. I don’t remember why.

        Now for those of you who have stuck with this thread

        10 Cloves garlic
        1/2 C honey
        1 C margarine
        1 C brown sugar
        2 Eggs
        2 1/2 C Flour
        1 Tsp baking soda
        1 Tsp Salt
        2 Cchips (choclate/butterscotch)

        Drop garlic cloves in boiling water boil 5mi (I don’t bother with this)
        Peal chop and soak in honey 20min (dice very fine)

        Cream marg/sugar/eggs/vanilla
        Combine flour/bakingsoda/salt, Add to creamed and stir in chips
        Drain garlic & add to batter (see note below)
        Blend well
        Drop by heaping tablespoon on ungreased baking sheet
        Bake until browned at 375

        • #618163

          If you’re asking what I think you’re asking, it’s not a good idea to preserve garlic in oil. Oil and vinegar is okay, but oil alone is not safe. A non-acid environment is a great one for all sorts of nasty bugs to grow in and using garlic stored in oil is asking for food poisoning. Adding enough vinegar makes the environment acid enough to discourage growth.

          Lee Morgan

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