I have a PC running Windows 7 which now suffers from a problem I have been unable to identify. When first switching on in the morning, everything initially appears fine. However, after about 10-15 mins, there begin to be brief periods in which the PC freezes, for say 5-10 secs, and then it resumes. Over a few minutes, that gradually gets worse and in about 25-30 mins from switch-on, the PC freezes completely, and I have to power off and back on.
On restarting, everything appears normal, and stays normal, and there is no freezing whatsoever, for as long as the PC remains on. There are no significant errors shown in the Windows logs, no indication of any problems, only the power-on/restart being recorded as an unexpected issue, as one might expect.
Then, say an hour or two later, after having been entirely normal, I open up a new window in a browser, and the PC immediately freezes, no preparatory signs whatsoever. Again on restarting everything is normal! (Until the next time something happens.) And that includes accessing the same browser site that caused the immediate failure.
The PC was acquired secondhand, but had been upgraded by a professional supply company, and has extensive RAM and other modern features, but the base is about ten years old, so one concern might be failing motherboard elements. It has an SSD as well as plenty of disk storage.
I would appreciate any advice on what to look further at, and any software which could record what is happening approaching failure.