• Free/Busy Information and Meeting Requests (OL2000/Exchange 2000)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Free/Busy Information and Meeting Requests (OL2000/Exchange 2000)


    When one of our secretaries creates a meeting request, she is unable to see free/busy information for one of the attorneys (Attorney A) for whom she is a delegate with Editor permissions on the attorney’s calendar. She is able to see free/busy information for another attorney (Attorney for whom she is a delegate with the same permissions. When she included Attorney A in a meeting request that she sent out from Attorney B, Attorney A didn’t receive it.

    When I create a meeting request for either of her attorneys, I can see their free/busy information without any problem.

    I have checked in Tools —> Options –> Preferences tab –> Calendar Options –> Free Busy Options, and the Attorney A has it set to share 12 months of free/busy information and to update at 15 minute intervals. Yet, her secretary cannot see her free/busy information and I can. I even had Attorney A grant me Editor access to her calendar, which is what her secretary has, to see if that had any affect. I can still see Attorney A’s free/busy information.

    One other point that may or may not be of any significance: the secretary shares the attorneys’ folders, and was calling the meeting from the calendar folder of Attorney B on his behalf, not from her own calendar folder.

    OK. I’m stumped. Anyone have any suggestions? All ideas would be appreciated! Thank you.

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    • #577194

      I’d have A exit and log off outlook, then start it up with the /cleanfreebusy switch. Start, Run c:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeOutlook.exe /cleanfreebusy. (Your path may be different). For good measure, repeat this with the /cleanreminders switch.

      If that doesn’t do it, check to see if either A or the assistant is set to use a local calendar. That can cause problems when delegates are involved. If either is, turn it off. Tools menu, Options, Calendar options buton.

      If that doesn’t do it, check to see if A and the asst. are on different servers. If so, have a system admin. check to see if something’s stuck. I don’t know how that’s done in Exchange2k.

    • #579299

      We figured it out, and I’m posting it here in case anyone else runs into the same situation. The secretary had Attorney A’s name in her Contacts folder, as well as in the Global Address List. That would not, in itself, have caused the problem, except that she also had her Outlook set up to search her Contacts folder before it searched the Global Address List. Therefore, it found Attorney A from her Contacts folder, where it couldn’t find her calendar information! Just thought this might save someone else some time and effort.

      Thank you, OldDog, for your suggestions, and we did try them out before we stumbled on this. I always appreciate the help I receive in this lounge!

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