• Forward (shortcut key)


    When navigating around web pages if I want to go back to the previous page my Logitech keyboard has a “Back” key which I can hit rather than have to use the mouse to click the left white arrow in the biger green circle. However, there is no key to go forward so I obviously have to use the mouse to click the right white arrow in the smaller green circle. Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut to perform the latter action please. Thanks Dave.

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    • #1195232

      Alt + left arrow and Alt + right arrow allow you to navigate back and forth on the same tab.
      Ctrl + Page Down and Ctrl + Page Up allow you to change tab.

    • #1195275

      I can’t provide a better answer than Stephane, but I’m curious. What is that green circle icon with exclamation mark that appears to the right of the ‘home’ button?

      • #1195278

        I can’t provide a better answer than Stephane, but I’m curious. What is that green circle icon with exclamation mark that appears to the right of the ‘home’ button?

        It is WOT aka Web of Trust which shows the safety/security of websites you visit. I’ve used it for about a year now when McAfee Site Advisor statistically was showing their ratings were up to a year outdated. Especially when you Google something the results will always have either a GREEN (Excellent) Yellow[/b][/b] (caution) Red (NO NO) or gray (not yet rated) results. Of course it doesn’t provide fail safe browsing, but in my experience it has proven very useful in staying away from sites which show known threats of spyware, malicious activity etc. I use it as an add-on to Firefox.

        The WOT community has rated millions of websites. Use their warnings to protect yourself from online scams, sites with adult content and spam. Recommendations will give you confidence when doing business with online shops, download sites and more….”

        You also have the option to add your own rating to sites that have yet to be rated

        Hey Jude

    • #1195342

      Thanks, that clears that up.

    • #1195371

      You can also use Shift+Backspace to go forward on a tab as long as you’re not in a text box. Backspace will take you back one page.
      You can also cycle through tabs by using Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

    • #1206832

      Thanks each….sorry a bit belated in expressing appreciation but somehow I did not get a reminder in my IN box to indicate there had been some responses to my original post. ….can’t neglect to say thanks where thanks is certainly due……. fantastic site this for slow learners & quick forgetters like me…..Cheers Dave.

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