• Formula Help – Re-Post (Excel 97 SR2)

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    • This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago.

    Here is my re-post with attachment. I see the attachment file name in the “attach a file” window, so if it isn’t attached this time, I must be doing something wrong and would appreciate advice.

    Attached is an example of a sum problem in a worksheet. Except of course there are dozens of rows and columns in the actual worksheet. How can I write a formula as shown, and be able to add and delete rows and still keep the formula valid? Thanks.

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    • #547724

      You can do this using a array formula, multiplying two matrices. e.g. The first matrix is in A1:A4, but as this is a 4 x 1 matrix, you have to transpose is to a 1 x 4 matrix before you can multiply it with the 4 x 1 matrix in C1:C4. The result will be a 1 x 1 matrix or a simple scalar. Like this


      which you have to enter as a array formula (that’s indicated by the {}).
      I hope I guessed the English formula expressions rightly for matrix multiplication and transposing of a matrix. Change the semicolon into a comma if your regional settings are English.

    • #547753

      Your attachment worked fine this time.

      Two things:
      1. Attachments mostly get lost when you preview after attaching.
      2. You can edit a post and attach a file after you’ve posted.

    • #547783

      Actually, there is another way to do it. I must have thought of it in the first place. That method will also solve problems with empty cells (they will be treated as zero), which cause the #VALUE problem with the previous solution. Therefore, you should use the SUMPRODUCT worksheetfunction (Again, I hope I use the right English for this buitl-in function). This function needs 2 or 3 matrices as arguments.

    • #547813

      What I believe Hans is suggesting is filling across with this formula:


      • #547944

        The SumProduct function solves my problem! Thanks to everyone for their helpful comments.

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