• Formula help (2003)


    Hi all,
    I have a workbook with three columns. Column A contains data selections “Annual”, “Quarterly” or “Monthly”. Column B contains budget figures in currency format. I what Column C to produce a result which would be Col B divided by 12 if Column A was “Annual”, 3 if it was “Quarterly” and 1 if it were “Monthly”.
    Can this be easily done?
    Thanks heaps.


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    • #955897

      Does this do what you want?

      =IF(UPPER(A2)=”ANNUAL”,B2/12, IF(UPPER(A2)=”QUARTERLY”, B2/3, IF(UPPER(A2)=”MONTHLY”, B2/1, “”)))

      • #955900

        Sorry. No luck. It just returns a empty cell. Thanks for trying. Any other suggestion?

        • #955902

          Whoops. No you got it. It wouldn’t work the first time because we had spelt ANNUALLY differently. Thanks heaps again.


        • #955903

          Hmmm…it worked for me….

          I made the assumption in the formula you had headers in row 1 and your data began in row 2. Was your data in cells A2, B2, and C2? Are the words written out “Quarterly”, “Annually”, and “Monthly” as in your original post?

      • #956025

        No need to call UPPER three times for IF is not case-sensitive.

        • #956032

          I didn’t know that…thanks for the tip.

    • #955904

      OK…good to know! It’s past my bedtime and I thought maybe that was going to have something to do with it yawn

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