• Forms collection issue (Access 2002 SP1)

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    I have a main form with a tabbed subform inserted in it. The main form only has a lookup combo box that finds records based on the name of person I type in the combo box. The tabbed subform has three “subforms” and I’m having problems with the Contact Information subform. When I enter a name that doesn’t exist in the database, I want the lookup form to automatically split and insert the name I typed in, into the subform. Whenever this happens, I get the error message, “fsubContactInfo is not open”.

    Here’s full code I wrote. The problem line is the “DoCmd” (line 9). Can anyone help me with this?

    Private Sub cboNameLookup_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
    ‘ Move to LastName Field if name is not listed.
    Dim ctl As Control
    Dim strFirstName As String
    Dim strLastName As String

    Set ctl = Me![cboNameLookup]
    Response = acDataErrContinue
    DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, “fsubContactInfo”, acNewRec

    strLastName = Mid(NewData, 1, InStr(NewData, Chr(44)) – 1)
    Debug.Print “First name:” & strFirstName
    strFirstName = Mid(NewData, InStr(NewData, Chr(32)) + 1)
    Debug.Print “Last name:” & strLastName

    Me!FirstName = strFirstName
    Me!LastName = strLastName

    cmdRefresh.Visible = True
    cmdCancel.Visible = True

    End Sub

    Brent Anderson

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    • #849976

      Subforms are not “open” and they are not part of the Forms collection. You must always refer to a subform through its parent. See Refer to Form and Subform properties and controls on the Access Web for a comprehensive overview.

      Instead of

      DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, “fsubContactInfo”, acNewRec


      RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew

      (1) You must use the name of the subform as a control on the main form here; this is not necessairly the same as the name it has in the database window.
      (2) Even if you have set focus to the subform, Me will still refer to the form from which the code is run, i.e. the main form. If FirstName, LastName and Address are controls on the subform, you should use

      Me!fsubContactInfo!FirstName = strFirstName
      Me!fsubContactInfo!LastName = strLastName


      again using the name of the subform as a control on the main form.

      • #850208


        Thanks so much for your help. It had been a year or two since I last programmed in VBA, so my skills was somewhat rusty.


      • #850209


        Thanks so much for your help. It had been a year or two since I last programmed in VBA, so my skills was somewhat rusty.


    • #849977

      Subforms are not “open” and they are not part of the Forms collection. You must always refer to a subform through its parent. See Refer to Form and Subform properties and controls on the Access Web for a comprehensive overview.

      Instead of

      DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, “fsubContactInfo”, acNewRec


      RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew

      (1) You must use the name of the subform as a control on the main form here; this is not necessairly the same as the name it has in the database window.
      (2) Even if you have set focus to the subform, Me will still refer to the form from which the code is run, i.e. the main form. If FirstName, LastName and Address are controls on the subform, you should use

      Me!fsubContactInfo!FirstName = strFirstName
      Me!fsubContactInfo!LastName = strLastName


      again using the name of the subform as a control on the main form.

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