• Firefox performance issues on my computer

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Questions: Browsers and desktop software » Other browsers » Firefox performance issues on my computer


    AGH! Loyal though I’ve been to Firefox for lo these many years, I am pulling my hair out … again. Currently running 23.1 on Windows 7 SP1. It is doing all sorts of weird things: crashing Flash plugins, refusing to play Flash demo on our site, needing to shut down several times, inserting text like this in bursts with stalls after words/letters – and on and on. All is fine with Chrome and IE, my backup browsers.

    To add to the weirdness, none of this occurs on our laptop, same version, same system.

    So is there a problem with my PC? With the FF install? With me? (that’ll be the trickiest one to fix!) Is this enough information for you to suggest solutions? If not, I’ll provide as much as will help!



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    • #1413325

      Hi Linda,

      inserting text like this in bursts with stalls after words/letters

      ^ This sounds like something causing excessive Windows kernel usage; the commonest Firefox -related factor is probably hardware acceleration set on an older, less compatible graphics card or graphics chipset, it’s also commonly linked with Flash problems so if Flash is active in a background tab, it will affect everything else.

      To turn off Flash hardware acceleration, right-click inside a Flash video and select Settings, in the main (Display) tab, uncheck “Enable hardware acceleration”.

      • #1413339

        I see that you’re running Firefox 23.1 as I had earlier in the week and their was instability on my Windows 7 laptop which I couldn’t explain at all….. Well, then I clicked Help and it quickly downloaded 24.0 and the problems went away and that was 2-3 days ago……. Good luck if that works for you Linda…..

    • #1413342

      Thanks for your replies. Think you’ve identified the cause, satrow. I’m going to try the update to 24 as Joe suggested first, just in case. I checked and the laptop is running the 24.0 version and not having these issues.

      Will report back, likely tomorrow.


      • #1414344

        A la JOERICEIII: A week or two ago I started getting freezes and other bad behavior in Firefox, for no reason I could discover. I uninstalled it and fresh-installed V.24. Problem solved.

        • #1414453

          I take it all back: Fresh-installing V.24 worked fine for about a day, then crapped out again, the exact same way.

          • #1414526

            Not good news. It still seems okay for me … although it did freeze once earlier today. Maybe try satrow’s earlier advice in this thread? Good luck!


    • #1414346

      As important as it is, to stay up to date with Firefox updates, it’s also important to keep up to date with the little FF helpers, Flash, Shockwave and Java.

      Those last three, post updates almost every week. And know this…..Flash has an I.E. version and a NON-I.E. version, for FF, etc. So download the proper version for your Browser.

      I download all these programs and keep the latest versions on my Utilities Flash Drive, to when I go out on a service call, I can install all the very latest versions of everything, for my customers.

      But just start updating all of the above three, when you update FF.
      In FF, if you go to ‘Help’ and then ‘About’, and that will take you to the window, where FF will do an immediate update, if there is one. Some people already know that, but many don’t.

      Also, there is also a whole sheet of tweaks under the heading “How to speed up Firefox”.
      Again, some know about that and have already implemented it, and some don’t even know that it exists. I did all the tweaks, and they do work. They will carry over, from one version of FF to the next.
      I’m sure a quick Google Search will find that for you. If not, PM me.

      Cheers Mate!
      The Doctor 😎

      PS: I’m kind of at a loss, why anyone is having problems with FF. I started using FF way back in the early Beta days and I’ve never had a problem with it. Go figure!
      The worse problem with FF, is that some hard-heads still write web pages on only work, or at least work best in I.E.:mad:

      • #1414352

        Thanks, Dr. Who. Your Super Disk Cleaner utility sits on my desktop and is used frequently (although not frequently enough that I don’t still also read your directions before running it – they’re kept right beside the utility shortcut).

        UPDATE: Back on track … I was about to post back on my results: better functioning since upgrading (in the way you suggested) to FF 24.0. Like you, I’ve used this browser as our main one for ages and get so frustrated when it doesn’t behave! I also have learned enough here to know that it’s usually something I have not done that causes the issues!

        Appreciate the advice on the 3 programs. I do try to keep up with those patches, but know they sometimes get ahead of me. Usually check with Secunia PSI to see where they stand. Had not known about the ways to speed up Firefox so will check that out.

        I like what FF stands for and want to continue with them, but get frustrated when I have to use Chrome or, shudder, IE to get something to work correctly (and, yes, it’s often Flash related!).

        As always, the sage and detailed advice offered by the knowledgeable helpers who “staff” this Lounge is hugely appreciated.


    • #1414361

      Installing Java is close to the last thing I’d do for anyone, especially when it comes to the browser plugins.

      If you must use Java for some software, disable it in the browsers. If you must use Java in a browser, only allow it in a non-IE, non-default browser – easier to control, less likely to take over the PC should you hit on a zero-day/drive by exploit.

      If you’re unsure whether you really need Java – uninstall it. Should a program that you must use complain, look for a non-Java alternative before you re-install Java. If a browser page requires Java, check for an alternative non-Java site for that before deciding whether to re-install Java.

      Java has been the #1 route for malware exploits – infections – for years, just say no to it!

      • #1414381

        Oops. I had disabled Java in my browsers based on earlier Lounge advice (likely yours, satrow!). BUT I got update notices and had been reading that its security had been improved. Is that just PR?

        I think I even uninstalled it. Checking just now, when I type ‘Java’ in orb’s search box, I see 2 ‘Java.exe’ files listed, a ‘configure Java’ and ‘about Java’. In Control Panel’s Programs list I found: 2 Java 7 Update 40 – guess one is 32 bit since one is labeled 64 bit (installed 9.21) and Java SE Development Kit 7 Update 25 (64 bit), installed 7.13. Should I remove them?

        I hadn’t noticed any difficulties on web sites by disabling it. Now, the Flash plugin is a whole different story! 😉


    • #1414394

      Mostly PR fluff; I don’t think a truly secure version of Java is even possible without a ground-up rebuild – it’s a complex virtual machine designed to run inside another OS, it’s always going to be vulnerable.

      If there are updates for it, install them but stick to the same regime as before, disable the plugins system-wide until you have a specific need for Java in the broswer – don’t forget to disable it again immediately after using it.

      You should only have 1 (the latest) JRE version, you do not need the SDK! Uninstall the SDK and then update the latest JRE.

      • #1414406

        Thanks! All done: SDK uninstalled and update completed. Double checked that Java was disabled in all 3 browsers I use and appreciate the advice to check that they remain disabled each time they are updated.

        So all is well again. FF 24.0 download seems to have solved the speed and other issues and I have regained control over Java! :rolleyes:

        Now back to work …


    • #1418222

      I have Firefox 24 on two computers from different manufacturers and Shockwave conks out quite frequently. I have updated Flash but it did not seem to help. That is too bad as I prefer FF and would hate to have to switch.

    • #1418223

      I have Firefox 24 on two computers from different manufacturers and Shockwave conks out quite frequently. I have updated Flash but it did not seem to help. That is too bad as I prefer FF and would hate to have to switch.

      • #1418271

        I agree. Firefox does some weird things occasionally. Always figure it’s because I’ve missed some setting or update or add-on or … However, right now, it is working fine on both PC and laptop.

        An issue I was experiencing with no sound on videos – which drove me to Chrome for several days – was easily corrected when I searched the Lounge and found this advice: ensure Firefox was not muted in the audio mixer. Well, duh, I checked and found that it had somehow been muted and unmuting it with a check corrected the issue.

        Wish I could give you more specific technical help, elikam because I share your desire to stick with Firefox! Good luck.


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