• Fill with Above (Excel 97 SR2)


    Hi, I have a macro that I got off the internet, likely from this lounge, a few years ago. I made the mistake of giving it to a co-worker and now that co-worker wants the macro modified stupidme

    What she’s doing is taking data from a pivot table, copying that data to a new worksheet, using the fill with above macro to copy data down in the blank cells, and then doing a vlookup on that copied column.

    The trouble is the vlookup only works on the first (original) row. The other ones return N/A. If you copy the top cell down the vlookup works, but pasting formats doesn’t work. Both cells say they’re formatted as general. She doesn’t want to have to do any copying or anything manually, she wants it all done automatically through the macro or formulas. She has tried to multiply the column by 1, but she said that caused some other kind of problem, though I didn’t see it to know what problem she’s talking about.

    Can anyone tweak the macro to copy all of the information down instead of just the values?



    Sub FillWithAbove()

    ‘ Fill With Above Macro
    ‘ Macro recorded 10/29/99

    Dim WithWhat As Variant
    iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
    iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count
    For iC = 1 To iColumns
    WithWhat = Selection.Item(1, iC).Value
    For iR = 1 To iRows
    If Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value = “” Then
    Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value = WithWhat
    WithWhat = Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value
    End If
    Next iR
    Next iC
    End Sub

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    • #671871

      This macro will copy and paste the cell above to an empty cell. You or your co-worker should test carefully whether it works as intended.

      Sub FillWithAbove()
      Dim iRows As Long, iR As Long
      Dim iColumns As Long, iC As Long
      iRows = Selection.Rows.Count
      iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count
      For iC = 1 To iColumns
      For iR = 2 To iRows
      If Selection.Item(iR, iC).Value = “” Then
      ‘ Copy cell above and paste into empty cell
      Selection.Item(iR – 1, iC).Copy Selection.Item(iR, iC)
      End If
      Next iR
      Next iC
      End Sub

      Note that this version starts at row 2 of the selection, to prevent errors with empty cells in row 1 of a worksheet.

      • #672046


        Thanks! That seems to work. As you advised, we’ll keep an eye on the results to make sure it’s working entirely as intended, but our initial test showed success!

        Thanks again!


      • #672109

        Another fast way

        Sub FillWithAbove()

        Selection.FormulaR1C1 = “=R[-1]C”
        End Sub

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