• FileDialog or is there something better (2002)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » FileDialog or is there something better (2002)


    I’m wishing to create an internally generated .csv file – that’s the easy part.

    My problem relates to asking the user where to save it. confused
    I’d written

    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    .InitialFileName = Replace(ActiveWorkbook.FullName, “.xls”, “.csv”)
    .Filters.Add “Comma Separated FIle”, “*.csv”, 1
    Open .SelectedItems(1) For Output As #1
    End With

    as my piece of code – but, the filepicker does not let me create a new filename on its selection.

    How do I get the ability to have user pick the new output file?

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    • #852625

      Excel has GetSaveAsFileName:

      Dim varFile As Variant
      varFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(“*.csv”, “CSV files (*.csv),*.csv”)
      If varFile = False Then
      Exit Sub

      End If

      or use FileDialog with msoFileDialogSaveAs:

      Dim strFile As String
      With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
      .FilterIndex = 10
      If .Show = True Then
      strFile = .SelectedItems(1)
      End If
      End With

      • #852627

        Thanks for the speedy reply – just what I was looking for.

        I’ll opt for the Excel version (I’d already tried FIleDialogSaveAs and help didn’t seem to admit to having either the .Filter, or the .SelectedItems properties – but I admit I hadn’t thought to try them. grin

      • #852628

        Thanks for the speedy reply – just what I was looking for.

        I’ll opt for the Excel version (I’d already tried FIleDialogSaveAs and help didn’t seem to admit to having either the .Filter, or the .SelectedItems properties – but I admit I hadn’t thought to try them. grin

    • #852626

      Excel has GetSaveAsFileName:

      Dim varFile As Variant
      varFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(“*.csv”, “CSV files (*.csv),*.csv”)
      If varFile = False Then
      Exit Sub

      End If

      or use FileDialog with msoFileDialogSaveAs:

      Dim strFile As String
      With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
      .FilterIndex = 10
      If .Show = True Then
      strFile = .SelectedItems(1)
      End If
      End With

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    Reply To: FileDialog or is there something better (2002)

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