• FileDateTime(pathname)


    I use Iomega QuickSync II to constantly back up my documents and templates directories to my Zip Drive. This not only provides me with an off site backup, but also allows me to work on any file outside of the office.

    To enhance the system, I have written a macro, OpenFromZip(), that runs on my office machine. It makes
    it easy to update my hard drive with any file I edited or created elsewhere. OpenFromZip() simply presents a FileOpen dialog on the ZipDriveDocuments directory. When I choose a file, the macro copies it to the corresponding subdirectory of the Documents directory on the hard drive. If the corresponding subdirectory does not exist on the hard drive, it creates it.

    Most of the time it works fine, but I have had a couple of problems caused by human error. A couple of times, I have inadvertently overwritten the newer copy on the hard drive with the older copy on the zip because I mistakenly believed that the zip version was newer.

    The macro currently overwrites the hard drive copy by default. I want to enhance it by adding a confirmation that shows the corresponding modification dates.

    I have tried to use the FileDateTime(pathname) function in

     If FileDateTime(ZipVersion) < FileDateTime(HDVersion) Then
      If MsgBox(HDVersion & " is newer than " & ZipVersion & _
       ".  Do you want to overwrite " & HDVersion & "(" & _
       HDVerDate & ") with " & ZipVersion & "(" & ZipVerDate _
       & "?", VBYesNoCancel) = VBYes Then 
     [proceed with the copy, etc.]

    I can’t seem to get the variables HDVerDate and ZipVerDate to work. The documentation says that FileDateTime(pathname) returns a variant. Any suggestions?

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    • #515476

      When you say you can’t get them to work, what exactly is happening? You haven’t posted the code that determines what ZipVerDate and HDVerDate are – can you post that too?

      • #515478

        Sorry, I left that out. It is

        Dim ZipVerDate
        Dim HDVerDate
        ZipVerDate = FileDateTime(ZipVersion)
        HDVerDate = FileDateTime(HDVersion)

        ZipVersion and HDVersion are strings comprised of the full path names of the respective files. The problem is that the HDVerDate and ZipVerDate vaiables remain empty throughout the macro’s execution, so the “If” test retuns “false” and the macro executes as if the test did not exist.

        I assume that I don’t understand and use the data type for the FileDateTime(pathname) function properly.

        • #515485

          I can’t see anything wrong with that code (I just tested it and it’s OK on my PC) so could you post the whole thing in case something is going wrong somewhere else?

          • #515493

            *** Edited – Geoff W. Long lines split (They fo bad things to , particularly in flat mode) ***


            Here is the entire sub

            Sub OpenFromZip()
            ' DisplayFileOpen Macro
            ' An aide in Zip Sync file management.
            ' This macro allows you to open a document which
            ' only exists on the QuickSync disk and copies it
            ' to the corresponding folder on the hard drive
            ' This macro could have been written to run on any
            ' Office97 machine by using functions that return the
            ' pertinent directories on the machine in use, but
            ' that was unnecessary for my purposes and would have
            ' slowed the macro down.  Instead, I chose to hard
            ' code the directories into the macro.  Hence, if the
            ' directories change, the macro needs to be manually
            ' updated.
            Dim ZipDir As String     'variable holds the Zip drive path
            Dim SaveDir As String    'variable holds the hard drive path
            Dim RelPath As String    'variable hold the relative path 
                                     '(stripped of the drive letter)
            Dim FName As String      'variable holds the file name
            Dim ZipVersion As String 'variable holds the full path name 
                                     'of the zip version
            Dim HDVersion As String  'variable holds the full path name 
                                     'of the HD version
            Dim ZipVerDate           'variable holds the time/date stamp  
                                     'of the zip version
            Dim HDVerDate            'variable holds the time/date stamp 
                                     'of the HD version
            On Error GoTo CreateIt
               StatusBar = "Select a file from the Zip drive."
            'First, change the default directory to the documents 'directory on the zip drive
                  ChangeFileOpenDirectory "J:Documents"
            'Now, display the FileOpen dialog
            'Find out which subdirectory, on the Zip drive, the opened 
            'document is located and assign it to a variable (ZipDir)
               ZipDir = ActiveDocument.Path
               ZipVersion = ActiveDocument.FullName
               ZipVerDate = FileDateTime(ZipVersion)
            'Strip the zip drive letter from the full path and assign 
            'this relative path to a variable (RelPath).  By ommitting 
            'the third (length) parameter from the 
            'Mid(string,start,length) function, the function returns the 
            'remainder of the string,regardless of its length.
               RelPath = Mid(ZipDir, 4)
            'Identify the corresponding directory on the hard drive by 
            'appending the hard drive letter to the relative path 
            'variable and assigning it to a new variable (SaveDir)
            'IMPORTANT: While windows is not really case sensitive and 
            'will open or save a file to the proper directory regardless 
            'of the case in the path string, VisualBasic's string 
            'comparison operators are case sensitive.  Therefore, even 
            'ActiveDocument.SaveAs "e:DocumentsArthur" will work as 
            'expected, ActiveDocument.Path will not equal 
            '"e:documentsarthur" since ActiveDocument.Path
            'will always return the drive letter as a capital
               SaveDir = "E:DocumentsArthur" & RelPath
            'Now, get just the file name without the path and assign it 
            'to the (FName) variable
               FName = ActiveDocument.Name
            'Put the hard drive full path name in a string   
               HDVersion = SaveDir & "" & FName
            'if it exists get its date time stamp
               HDVerDate = FileDateTime(HDVersion)
            'compare the dates/times of the two files   
               If ZipVerDate < HDVerDate Then
                  If MsgBox(HDVersion & " is newer than " & ZipVersion _
                      & ".  Do you want to overwrite " _
                     & HDVersion & "(" & HDVerDate & ") with " & _
                      ZipVersion & "(" & ZipVerDate & "?", _
                     vbYesNoCancel) = vbYes Then GoTo TryAgain
                     GoTo Done
               End If
            StatusBar = "Saving " & FName & " to " & SaveDir & "..."
            'Finally, save the document to the corresponding directory 
            'on the hard drive using SaveAs to save it to the 
            'corresponding hard drive directory (SaveDir) with the same
            'file name (FName).
               ActiveDocument.SaveAs HDVersion
            GoTo TestArea
               StatusBar = "Creating " & SaveDir & "..."
                  ChDrive "E"
                  ChDir "E:DocumentsArthur"
                  MkDir RelPath
               GoTo TryAgain
            'Test to see if the procedure was successful and, display a 
            'confirmation or error.  If the procedure was successful, 
            'the ActiveDocument should reside on the hard drive, in
            'the corresponding directory.  If the ActiveDocument does 
            'not, something went wrong.
            'If you are having trouble with this test, see the comments 
            'at lines 45-50 which discuss the
            'case sensitive nature of the comparison string which 
            'requires that SaveDir have acurate
               If ActiveDocument.Path = SaveDir Then
                   MsgBox FName & " has been saved to " & SaveDir, _
                   MsgBox "The copy to the hard drive failed.", _
               End If
            MsgBox FName & " has been saved to " & ActiveDocument.Path()
            End Sub


            Hope you can understand my spagetti

            • #515500

              I’m stumped – I pasted that into a module, changed the paths and it worked fine! Have you tried stepping through the code with the locals window open and viewing where it fails? (I’m assuming that the fact you have a line which has an underscore and then carries on on the same line rather than on the next line is simply down to a formatting glitch when you posted)

            • #515505

              Yeah. The hardest part of posting the Sub was reformatting it for the lounge.

              I’m going to try it on another machine.

            • #515532


              You may be better posting code as a .txt attachment. It keeps the formatting (unlike code without “pre” tags); it can be copied anxd pasted without mucking about with manual line breaks (unlike code with “pre” tags); and lines you’ve accidentally left too long don’t cause display problems (unlike code with pre tags).

            • #515641


              Do you mean a text file attachment or pasteing a text file?

            • #515695

              Sorry, I meant attaching a text file- as I’ve done in this post.

              Pasting text into a message loses all leading spaces when the message is viewed.

            • #515516

              ** edited Geoff W. Split long lines ***

              Finally got it to work. I changed the IF test to

                 If ZipVerDate < HDVerDate Then
                    If MsgBox(HDVersion & " is newer than " & ZipVersion _ 
                       & ".  Do you want to overwrite " _
                       & HDVersion & "(" & HDVerDate & ") with " & _ 
                       ZipVersion & "(" & ZipVerDate & ")?", _
                       vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
                     GoTo Done
                    End If
                 End If

              The original was looking for vbYes and was convoluted with an Else. Changing it to vbNo made it cleaner and fixed the problem. Thanks for the chance to think this one through.

              BTW, if anyone else uses QuickSyncII and can use this routine, I’d be glad to share it.

            • #515645


              Everything is working now but I still have one problem which was introduced when the date/time comparison started working.

              The routine chokes on the line that tries to get the date/time stamp from the HDVersion if the file does not exist on the hard drive. I couldn’t find a VBA test for whether the file exists in order to avoid an error (in JS it’s as easy as

              if (HDVersion) {stuff to execute if it exists}


              I tried

              If Err = 53 Then GoTo LabelThatSkipsTheComparison


               On Err = 53 GoTo . . .

              but neither one trapped the Error 53. The only thing that worked was

              On Error GoTo LabelThatSkipsTheComparison

              at the beginning of the routine. This works, but it is not satisfactory because it treats all errors the same way.

              Any suggestions? (BTW Error 53 is “File not found”.)

            • #515693

              To find out if a file exists, use the FileSystemObject’s FileExists method. You’ll need to set a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime.(Tools References…)

              Dim oFSO as FileSystemObject
              Set oFSO = New FileSystemObject

              If oFSO.FileExists(Fullpath & filename) = True _
              ‘ File Exists!
              ‘ File doesn’t exist.
              End If

              Set oFSO = Nothing

              I can highly recommend VB & VBA In A Nutshell by Paul Lomax published by O’Reilly. It’s an excellent reference to the VBA language.


            • #515817

              How is this method better than the simpler “DIR”?

              I’ve used the FileScripting method in the past, but not recently.

            • #515829

              The scripting method, recommended by VBNerd works fine. Thanks. For my education, though, how would the DIR method work?

            • #515838

              Something like:
              If Dir(fullpath & filename) = “” then
              ‘file does not exist
              ‘file exists
              end if
              should work.
              Just a thought – glad it’s working now!

            • #515842

              hah ha! I fooled myself! I dug up my boolFileExists and found that *I* use the Filelen function!

              The first example below using FileLen will work as posted. the other two probably need supporting code that isn’t posted yet.

              Public Function boolFileExists(strFile As String) As Boolean
              ' Procedure :   boolFileExists
              ' Description:  This code determines if a file exists.
              ' Copyright: Chris Greaves Inc.
              ' Inputs:       A possibly empty string representing a _
              ' possible legal file path and name.
              ' Returns:      A boolean, TRUE if the file is available to the caller.
              ' Assumes:      Nothing
              ' Side Effects: None.
              ' Tested:       By the calls shown below.
                  boolFileExists = False
                  On Error Resume Next
                  boolFileExists = (FileLen(strFile) = FileLen(strFile))
              'Sub TESTboolFileExists()
              '    MsgBox boolFileExists("c:autoexec.bat") ' Generally you will find this.
              '    MsgBox boolFileExists("autoexec.bat") ' Only if your default directory is C:
              '    MsgBox boolFileExists("c:ausoexec.bat") ' Mis-spelled the name
              '    MsgBox boolFileExists("") ' Empty string
              '    MsgBox boolFileExists("*&^%$#@!") ' Illegal file name constructed here.
              '    MsgBox boolFileExists(32) ' Used a file handle? ooops!
              'End Sub
              End Function

              Here’s a use of DIR to build a list/string of drive letters:

              Public Function boolValidate_Drive(ByVal strDrive As String)
              ' Procedure :   boolValidate_Drive
              ' Description:  Return the set of live drives from a set of possibles.
              ' Copyright:    Chris Greaves Inc.
              ' Inputs:       A string of letters. Usually a-z.
              ' Returns:      Only letters which correspond to an active_
              '  drive available to this system.
              ' Assumes:      Nothing
              ' Side Effects: None.
              ' Tested:       By the calls shown below.
                  boolValidate_Drive = False
                  If Len(strDrive) = 2 Then
                      If boolAlphaOnly(Left(strDrive, 1)) Then
                          If Mid(strDrive, 2, 1) = ":" Then
                              On Error GoTo BAD2
                              Dir (strDrive)
                              On Error GoTo 0
                              boolValidate_Drive = True
                              Exit Function
                              Resume Exit2
                              Exit Function
                          End If
                      End If
                  End If
              End Function

              Here’s a poorly-documented function to load directories to a listbox

              Private Sub LoadList(frmMe As UserForm, lb As ListBox,_
              ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strExtent As String, boolRecurse As Boolean)
              ' Given a valid path and file Extent, _
              load the ListBox with all immediate child directories
                  If Right(strPath, 1) = Application.PathSeparator Then
                      strPath = strPath & Application.PathSeparator
                  End If
                  Me.Caption = "Searching for Icons in " & strPath
                  WordBasic.PrintStatusBar "Searching for Icons in " & strPath
                  frmMe.Caption = "Searching for Icons in " & strPath
                  Dim strDirs As String
                  strExtent = UCase(strExtent)
                  Dim strFile As String
                  strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.*", 16)
                  While strFile  ""
                      On Error GoTo Failed1
                  Me.Caption = "Searching for Icons in " & strPath
                  WordBasic.PrintStatusBar "Searching for Icons in " & strPath
                  frmMe.Caption = "Searching for Icons in " & strPath
                      If boolRecurse And (GetAttr(strPath & strFile) _
              And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
                          If strFile  "." And strFile  ".." Then
                              strDirs = strDirs & strPath & strFile & ","
                          End If
                      End If
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  strFile = Dir
                  strFile = Dir(strPath & "*." & strExtent, 16)
                  While strFile  ""
                      On Error GoTo Failed2
                      If boolRecurse And (GetAttr(strPath & strFile)_
               And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
                          If strFile  "." And strFile  ".." Then
                              strDirs = strDirs & strPath & strFile & ","
                          End If
                          If (GetAttr(strPath & strFile) And vbDirectory)  vbDirectory Then
                                  lb.AddItem strPath & strFile
                          End If
                      End If
                  On Error GoTo 0
                  strFile = Dir
                  While Len(strDirs) > 0
                      Dim strThisDir As String
                      strThisDir = strSplitStringAt(strDirs, Right(strDirs, 1), True)
                      strDirs = strSplitStringAt(strDirs, Right(strDirs, 1), False)
                      Call LoadList(frmMe, lb, strThisDir, strExtent, boolRecurse)
              End Sub
            • #515882


              By itself, not much different.

              But there’s a whole heap of other methods with filescripting which can be useful (eg, BuildPath, CopyFile, CreateFolder).

              Lok in VBA help under “FileSystemObject”

            • #515827

              Just in case you haven’t sorted this yet, I’d go with Chris on this one – the Dir function is probably the simplest method of checking if a file exists.

            • #515843

              I’d be willing to bet that in future versions of the VBA language, things like the DIR$ function will be dropped for the more OO FileSystemObject. Just looking at the code, I’d say that the FileExists method is clearer than Dir.

              There’s lots of redundant functions/statements in the VBA language that could use some cleaning up. There must be three or four ways to convert something to a string. Strangely enough, I’ve heard that VB.NET still carries many of these redundancies. Oh, for those of you who think that they don’t need to pay attention to VB.NET, think again. Office.NET will use the same language as VB.NET. Office XP won’t, but Office.NET(the version after XP) will.

              BTW, the FileSystemObject also has a DateLastModified property which appears to do the same as the FileDateTime function.

              Well, I’ve babbled on enough.

              Mike “Someday I’ll create a sig and a neat pic.”

    • #515482

      I had problems with this sort of stuff about five months back. I needed date/timestamps from files as part of an installation routine.

      I waded through the busines sof PKZip (not Zip drives) using a form of UTC but got bogged down in effecting the conversion in Word97SR2/VBA.

      I probably have the old code floatinga round, if you get really stuck. They are probably lotsa functions with TESTcode that let me single-step through stuff to see just waht wa shappening.

      In the end I elected to test just the file name and size, and skip the date/time comparisons.

      This won’t be much help except to say that the FileDateTime stuff is either broken, or just darn difficult to get working or to understand.

      Ultimately I’d like to reintroduce the timestamp code, so I’d entertain the idea of a fresh start on it ….


      I backup from two HDs to a removable HD each morning using the DOS XCOPY command and PKZip to collect the essential system files (registry, INI files etc). The Xcopy command does a good job of identifying which files are changed since the latest copy. I could post the BATch file.

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