• Filebox eXtender


    Following up on #17 mention of this in the freeware thread from diegol I find this handy little extension great, but with some “skinned” windows, the roll-up and pinned buttons can obscure other native window control buttons. Have you experienced this? Do you have a fix?


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    • #1194125

      Have you experienced this? Do you have a fix?

      A1: yes I have.
      A2: no I don’t.

    • #1194132

      I can’t remember whether the rolled & pinup buttons are optional in FileBox eXtender. If they are, you could consider using a Skinner that comes with its own.

      The potential issue with the Skinner that I know of (Blackbox for Windows) is that it is part of an alternate Shell. As long as you don’t mind your desktop being made to look somewhat like Unix|Linux, you could try using bb4win_mod or bbLean 1.17.1.

      • #1194184

        I can’t remember whether the rolled & pinup buttons are optional in FileBox eXtender. If they are, you could consider using a Skinner that comes with its own.

        They are optional, but I don’t think I’d want to reshell the whole of windows, just for that added functionality. Gom does have some info on creating your own skin, but it’s also not worth the learning curve to fix such a small annoyance.


        • #1194185

          …. I don’t think I’d want to reshell the whole of windows, just for that added functionality….

          There are (unsurprisingly) other bits of added functionality – including hotkeys, tray minimising etc etc. –

          Does “Gom” mean the Media Player that comes up in a Google Search – or something else?

          • #1194202

            Does “Gom” mean the Media Player that comes up in a Google Search – or something else?

            Sorry… Gom refers to GOM Media Player which is the particular skinned app that I showed as having its “native” buttons obscured by the FileBox ones. I think I have a couple of others that suffer the same fate, but not worth bothering about unless there was a really easy fix.

            bb4win looks interesting if you’re after that sort of thing, but I now have things (just about) right for me … let sleeping dogs lie.


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