• File Format Invalid (Excel 2000)


    Working with an excel file—then I can’t open it. Get a message “name of the file–file format invalid” Any ideas why all of a sudden this file went belly up? Thanks for your help—Carol

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    • #745112

      Yikes!!! That’s not pretty and there’s no real solution that I’ve ever found. Sometimes Excel just barf all over itself with no warning whatsoever. You might try opening it in another version of Excel (or Sun Office) or if you just want the data itself you could open a new workbook and have a formula point to the dead workbook and suck the data out.

      In cell A1 of your new empty workbook add “=[deadworkbook.xls]sheet3!A1” (without the quotes)

      then copy this down from your new workbook.

      Hopefully you have another working copy. This has happened to me several times and I get to the point that I flinch every time I open a workbook wondering if THIS is the time it’ll die on me. crybaby


    • #745113

      Yikes!!! That’s not pretty and there’s no real solution that I’ve ever found. Sometimes Excel just barf all over itself with no warning whatsoever. You might try opening it in another version of Excel (or Sun Office) or if you just want the data itself you could open a new workbook and have a formula point to the dead workbook and suck the data out.

      In cell A1 of your new empty workbook add “=[deadworkbook.xls]sheet3!A1” (without the quotes)

      then copy this down from your new workbook.

      Hopefully you have another working copy. This has happened to me several times and I get to the point that I flinch every time I open a workbook wondering if THIS is the time it’ll die on me. crybaby


    • #745118

      This has several ways to get info from a corrupt file.


    • #745119

      This has several ways to get info from a corrupt file.


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