• File extensions


    After installing ProcommPlus a while back, the image viewer in it took over all of my bitmaps. I have been trying to re-associate the bmp extension with MSPaint. I have changed everything that I can think of in My Computer/View/FileTypes, but I get the following message when I double click on a bitmap file…

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    • #587565

      Open Windows Explorer or My computer and find a “bmp” file. Right click it, and select “Open with” , and when the “program selection list” appears select MS Paint and make sure that the “Always use box is checked.
      Hope this helps.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #587567

        Well, I tried that before the MyComputer/View/File Types method…trouble is I do not have an “Open with” option in the right click menu, only “Open”. Any idea about how to get the “Open With” option back?

    • #587585

      If you don’t have the “open with” option on your right click, select the file then hit shift f10. Then you’ll have it.
      Good luck.

      • #587588

        Thanks Jack, that gave me the “Open With” right click option, but I still get the same error message about “My.bmp”. Any other suggestions?

        • #587680

          Didn’t know about shift+F10. Another way to get the Open With menu is right clicking on a file while holding shift. The file must be selected before you actually right click on it (must have the blue highlight files get when you click on them).

    • #587590

      It could be that the association is missing the quotes around the parameter. They are important when there is a blank in the file path (like the one in “My Documents”). The command line should look like:

      C:…Paint “%1”

      When you double click on a file, the path to the file is substituted for the %1. Suppose the file is “C:My DocumentsTest.BMP”. If the quotes are missing from the association, the resulting command line looks like:

      C:…Paint C:My DocumentsTest.BMP

      and the program tries to open TWO files: “C:My” and “DocumentsTest.BMP” The first file doesn’t have an extension, so the program supplies a default (BMP). Since “C:My.BMP” doesn’t exist, you get an error.

      To confirm this, copy a graphic file into a directory with no blanks in the path (like C:WindowsTemp or C:) and change the name so there are no blanks in it (e.g., c:test.bmp). If my guess is correct, this test file will open correctly.

      • #587597

        You are indeed correct, the file opens properly when moved to the Windows/Temp directory. However, when I place the “%1” after the path in the edit box, I am told that the path and filename do not exist. See below…

        • #587599

          There needs to be a space between the program path and the parameters….

          “c:…paint.exe” “%1”

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