• Field Codes Toggle (Word 2000 sr1)


    Someone has complained to me that when working in Word, field codes will toggle seemingly indiscriminately. He has not been able to associate the toggle with any specific action taken; he’ll be editing a document and suddenly all his fields will toggle to reveal the codes.

    Has anyone seen this before or have any suggestions as to what the problem could be?


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    • #558613

      Alt + F9 toggles field codes.

      I don’t know if that’s what you’re user has clicked on- but it’s a quick way of setting them back.

      • #558616

        Thanks. He’s added the toggle button to his toolbar to quickly toggle back to the field results. However, it’s happening often enough to be an irritant, and I can’t figure out why they toggle to code in the first place.

        He did mention that it often happens when he applies paragraph numbering using a third-party add-on called MacPac.

        • #558620

          It’s quite possible that MacPac has the Reveal Codes in their program. I’m not familiar with the program- there may be an FAQ of forum on their web site?

          • #559190


            We evaluated MacPac here, and ended up going with MacroSuite. But I believe the two applications work in a similar fashion, and with MacroSuite, if my underlying “boilerplate” document (that contains the numbering scheme a user might attempt to add) has field codes showing, that setting is applied to the user’s current document. We ran into this with a few other settings, and I had to go back into my programming files for MacroSuite and make sure that I had turned field codes off before saving/publishing the files.

            I’d guess that something similar might be happening to your user. Can you test this with a blank document? Insert a date field or a TOA entry or something, and make sure field codes are turned off, then add in the LegalMacPac numbering. Are field codes turned on?


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