• Field Code Option Keeps Turning On (Word 2000 sr1)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Word and word processing help » Field Code Option Keeps Turning On (Word 2000 sr1)


    When editing documents in Word, I’ve noticed that the option to show field codes keeps turning on. I have not been able to establish any pattern or associate the problem with any specific action taken in the documents. I just suddenly notice that instead of seeing field results, I’m seeing field codes.

    Anyone seen anything like this or have any ideas on what’s happening and/or how to resolve it? Many thanks.

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    • #552637

      Do you have any automacros, or are there any global templates or add-ins running that might be making changes to your environment settings?

      Absent that, I’d suspect a dodgy Normal.dot or something gone funny with a registry key.


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