• Favorites and Folder List View (Outlook 2003 – SP1)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Favorites and Folder List View (Outlook 2003 – SP1)


    We’re in Pilot Group mode for our upgrade from Windows 2000 and Office / Outlook 2000 to XP and Office / Outlook 2003. A member of our pilot group is used to having his folder list open at all times (instead of the Outlook Bar), and wants that functionality back. He would also like to get rid of the Favorites section in the Navigation Pane. According to Microsoft’s help screen, you can’t delete the Favorites group, but we’re wondering if any of you have come up with a workaround?

    Also, is there any way of keeping the Folder List open at all times, as in O2K? Any suggestions will be appreciated – even fact that these things can’t be done . . .

    Thank you,

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    • #953824

      I don’t know of any way to delete the “Favorites” section, but as for the folder list, this article should help.

      • #953835

        As our Project Manager said when I forwarded this to him – “Awesome!” Thank you for your help.

    • #953833

      In the Navigation Pane (what MS calls the left side Outlook 2003 pane), the View selected (Mail, Folder, Task, etc.) from the icons at the bottom should stick once the user selects them. One of the views is Folder, and that View comes very close to emulating the 2000/XP Folder View without a Shortcut Bar. I didn’t need the Registry hack mentioned by Rebel to make it stick, and the change stuck through a restart of the PC, but your experience may differ. AND, when you get the Navigation Pane Folder View to stick, it doesn’t include Favorites.

      Further, the navigation pane icons for the various Views can be minimized as shown in the post 452639 attachment, which also shows the minimized Folder View icon, and the visible Folders window is thereby maximized.

      • #953836

        I believe that the user in question had selected the Folder List, exited, and then opened Outlook again, and that it did not stick, but we’ll double check on that. Thank you for your help.

        • #953842

          Interesting. I looked closer at Rebel’s MSKB registry mod, I don’t have a Wunderbar Registry value, and I can change the Nav Pane View and it sticks. (So for me, it ain’t broken, and I ain’t fixin’ it. grin)

          • #953855

            I checked as well John, and although I didn’t modify the Registry, I DID have the Wunderbar value. Go figure shrug . And as with your experience, I can also change the Nav Pane view and it does stick.

            • #954104

              Several of us here tried it, and it stuck for us, too. Don’t know what’s different, but thank you all for your help. This is why I tell everyone about Woody’s Lounge. You’re all great!

            • #954178

              Thanks for posting back Karnie. Glad everything worked out.

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