Hi All,
I need to be able to replicate some Access features in Excel. Why? Because people at work are familiar/comfortable with Excel and not Access. Maybe because not everyone has Access even loaded on their PC (corporate environment).
In particular, I can have an Excel sheet that has my raw data. Not a problem so far. I want to be able to create the equivalent of an Access Report (actually 2 or 3 reports for starters) using that sheet and its data.
Let’s call the sheet with the raw data “Raw Data”.
From the Raw Data sheet, I need to be able to select rows/records that go into the report. Not a problem adding a column in Raw Data that does that per report (a “Report1” field, a “Report2” field, etc since a given record can go on multiple reports). One problem is that I might have to make 4 passes thru the records for one type of report; this report shows all records grouped together where the Status field is “Red”, then all records where the status field is “Yellow”, then “green”, then “blue”. Status can change over time but the records on this report have to group all records with the same Status.
For another report, I need to have the records come out in “Item” order (the “Item” is like an Access Key but we use “D1”, “D2”, etc to identify the records and increase the Dx when we add a new record).
Further, the “main” fields may not all show on a given report (by “main” fields I mean those that provide useful info as opposed to those that I add for control purposes like the “Reportx” fields described above). For this, I was thinking of some kind of “report template” that would indicate the columns/fields needed for a particular report. This too might change over time.
Another issue that has to be addressed is that a column might be added to Raw Data. To keep things logically ordered, it might be necessary to insert this column between 2 existing columns. I can see this might create a problem with the report template I mentioned above; maybe naming each column would overcome this.
Some of the cell entries have >255 characters, which may not be a problem. I just mention it here because I know that copying entire sheets where such a cell exists results in a truncation of the cell entry.
I’m also thinking that the output could be a new sheet in the same workbook. But it would probably be better to create a new workbook each time a report is generated. That’s because I don’t want to mail the entire workbook to upper mgmt that needs to see the report (even if I hid the non-relevant sheets). Further, I envision some VBA needed for this, so don’t want mgmt to have to deal with the “macro” warning when opening the report.
I also envision creating some kind of template sheet for each report type so that the column headers and col widths are already in place (the widths in the output report are important). But the “template” should not be in a real template folder in case I need to give this to someone else to deal with while I’m on vacation (as turned out to be the case for the last 2 weeks). So everything should be self-contained in one folder.
I think that’s about it for right now in terms of what I need to fake. Don’t need queries (unless we define a filter for some of the things above); don’t need forms. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone done anything that might serve as a starter? Basically, this seems like some kind of report-writer for Excel.