• F1 not working (Access 2002, SR 1)

    • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 23 years ago.

    I swear my help files got whacked when I upgraded to Access 2002. I used to be able to press F1 on a property field such as “Enabled” and help window would come up and describe its purpose and how to work with it. However, with 2002, whenever I hit F1, I get “generic” help menu which looks like its home page.

    I’m using Windows 2000 as well. Rest of my Office suite is still stuck on 2000 thanks to IT budget freeze.

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    • #575092

      Did you install the help for Access and the help for VBA for 2002? If you have both versions on your machine, the help files may very well have gotten “whacked” in the installation. shrug I have only one version on my machine, and the Access help frequently goes up in smoke even though help for the rest of Office appears to work.

      • #575549

        Yeah, I had both installed. Are you saying that I can’t have both? That would be a DEFINITE bummer! bummer

        • #575665

          You *should* be able to have both. Where you *can* or not, is a different question. I’ve had a lot of trouble with A2k help blowing up even without AXP on the machine.

          • #575750

            I just got it all figured out. My help files are still working, just that certain controls suddenly don’t have help anymore. I’m not sure why but if I can get 99% (Only two settings, I’m not seem able to get help on) of help, I’m happy.

            Thanks for your suggestions.

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