• Extracting records (Version 2003)


    I have a large spreadsheet ..about 575 pages. I need to extract records that have more than 1 entry. Let me explain…..it contains patient information. I am doing an audit for a year. I want to extract only the patients who have been to this doctor more than 3 times in a year. Can this be done? How?


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    • #1114618

      I think it should be able to be done. How directly or indirectly would depend on the setup…

      Since yoru original is so large (and most likely contains confidential info) could you post an exampel file with your setup (and fake data) so that we can examine it and perhaps offer some suggestions.


    • #1114848

      Hello Deborah

      Assuming that your worksheet is configured with one row per record per patient visit, your requirement is satisfied with two additional columns; one to identify the number of visits each patient has required, the second to indicate whether the record is the first record for that patient or a subsequent record. It will also be necessary to have a header row to allow for data filtering. With this set-up you will be able to display the selection you are interested in, and copy/paste the results wherever needed.

      The attached file provides a small example.


      • #1114849

        Thanks for your help.
        I really like the column about the visit – first, etc. This will be a big plus since all the records are not sorted by patient’s name.


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