• Extracting Audio files from video


    Hi. Using ConvertXtoDVD to make downloaded videos suitable for watching on TV (for friends who do not have a computer) I find that the said software does not seem to be able to cope with videos downloaded from http://www.radiofreechurch.com/topics_display?page=1&sort=alpha they being in Real Player format. Till I get an explanation from VSO can someone tell me if it is possible to extract the audio files from such downloaded videos so at least (using Ashampoo) I can be burn them to CD making then suitable to play in a car CD player? Regards SF

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    • #1151823


    • #1151880

      Thanks Joe. I have had a look at Cocoon but regret to say I haven’t a clue where to start. I also Googled “Extract audio files from Video” and as if an old man is not confused enough I discover that the search brings up over a million web pages. What chance has an oldie got I ask you? I selected the first option “AOA audio extractor” of that vast number and “Had a Go” choosing the mp3 format but to my dismay, when the process was completed, right clicking on the file shows no bytes in it. (see second screen shot). All this hassle because ConvertXtoDVD cannot cope with videos in Real Player. Any further suggestions would be most appreciated. SF.

      • #1151896

        Did you start by downloading Quick Media Converter?



        • #1153005

          Did you start by downloading Quick Media Converter?


          Hello Joe. SORRY I have not responded to your brief question. The simple answer is NO as I really hadn’t a clue which tab to click on. Groping in the dark as usual. Would the one in the top left hand corner of the page be it? See attachment.
          Seeing VSO are so slow to respond maybe I will give this one a go, thanks again SF.


    • #1158132

      Thanks for this thread. I was looking for the same thing.

      • #1158169

        Thanks for this thread. I was looking for the same thing.

        Hi Diegol…you might also want to give the undermentioned freebie a try, I thought the former one that Joe suggested looked somewhat complicated to me so I thought I would give the one shown below a try and to my delight found it as easy as ABC. Just open it, drag the file that you want to extract the audio from into the “Input files:” box and click the Convert tab at the bottom right. Couldn’t be simpler. Would still love to find out how to convert vidoes downloaded in Flash Player & Real Player then extracting the audio files would not be necessary. Regards Dave.

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