• Extracting Address From A Letter (Word 2000 SR-1)

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    When you create a letter in Word and then activate the Labels/Envelope dialog box, Word typically finds the address in your letter document.

    Is there any way to ‘find’ this address within VBA?

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    • #565373

      Yes, there is.

      Set dlg = Dialogs(wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabels)

      With dlg
      .DefaultTab = wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabelsTabEnvelopes
      .EnvOmitReturn = True
      .ExtractAddress = True
      bla, bla, bla

      • #565378

        Thanks Kevin. The .ExtractAddress command allows me to get the address in the dialog box, but ultimately, I would like to get the address in a string variable without displaying the built-in dialog box. In addition, even if I display the built-in dialog box, I seem to only capture the first line of the address (from the .AddrText property of the dialog box).

        Any further ideas? Thanks!

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