• Excel Links (97 ?)

    • This topic has 12 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago.

    I know the answer is out there somewhere but without the “Search” it seems impossible to find. My question is this: How do I get rid of links that want to open when opening a workbook ? The workbook does NOT need any links but whomever created the thing in the beginning must have had some ideas. I have tried Tools, Options, Calculate, Update References. I uncheck it and it returns checked again.
    Someone have a clue how to get rid of the workbook links.

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    • #676569

      Hi Tim…

      I found the answer to that question on here long too long ago…. I’d like to give credit to the appropriate person, but I can’t remember where I got it… laugh
      The attached file contains an Add-in (I think came from The Access Web site) that will find all links in a workbook and ask you whether to delete them or not… Cool huh?? smile

      If you need help on installing the Add-in, let me know…

      (P.S. This works on Excel 2000 on my machine… Not sure about 97 though…)

      • #676570

        OOps… Too late… I guess it is Bill Manville’s Addin… grin

    • #676571

      Just for the record, there is now a Star Post Index in Lounge Matters.

      The Excel section has a Stared Post by our very own gwhitfield which deals with external links.

      Andrew C

    • #676788

      (Edited by HansV to activate URL – see Help 19)

      Another add-in tool for finding and deleting links is the Link Navigator which is part of the Navigator Utilities found at http://www.robbo.com.au[/url%5D. The Link Navigator lists all source link files in a list box which can be sorted by file or path, and then lists all references which use that source file such as cells, names, macros, etc – all listed in another list box so you can easily delete them, or jump to them etc. There is also a ‘multiple file’ tool which allows you to produce a report list of all source files in a selection of workbooks chosen from a listbox containing all workbooks in a directory with or without it’s sub-directories.

      There are other Utilities in Navigator Utilities allowing you to easily find your way through a workbook with many sheets, manage Named Ranges and an enhanced Find/Replace function which has recently been updated.

      It’s a free download.


    • #677100

      Thank you everyone.
      A lot of you answered, most with the same plan…..the Manville plan. It worked and got me out of trouble. It works well.
      Again, this Lounge is and always will be the place to go to find out everything about anything.

      • #677105

        I hate to be “picky” but I am not sure I understand your quote:

        The only thing that depreciates quicker than a new car, is a Computer (and it’s software)


        The way you have it written with the apostrophe is the same as:
        “The only thing that depreciates quicker than a new car, is a Computer (and IT IS software)”

        I am not sure what your point is.

        Most of what depreciates on a computer is HARDWARE. I wouldn’t really describe a computer as SOFTWARE (as your quote does). Also, software does not really “depreciate” that quickly, since you can get upgrades and service packs.

        Do you mean the possessive? (its not it’s):
        “The only thing that depreciates quicker than a new car, is a Computer (and its software)”

        ITS = the computer’s software?? as opposed to IT IS = the computer is software.


        • #677336


          You lie in your teeth, sir – you clearly LOVE to be picky! I salute a fellow pedant!


          • #677338

            Again, thank you all for the help with Excel and to Steve for his lesson in English. I believe you to be correct in the possesion tense of the software BUT, according to most software agreements, you never OWN the software, you only lease it. So, in that case, can the “IT’S” be possive seing that the computer (or owner) never really owns the software ? Hummmmm….a conundrum ?
            The use of your “special word” Bilas, made me look up the definition as I am sure that there are many who would like to know what you mean:
            One entry found for pedant.
            Main Entry: ped

            • #677343

              You still missed my point:

              “IT’S”, with the apostrophe, is NEVER possessive. It is ALWAYS a contraction and means IT IS (or even IT WAS or IT HAS depending on context)

              The possesive is ITS (no apostrophe). The way to remember is ITS goes along with the other possesive pronouns HIS and HERS: NONE of them have an apostrophe!

              Your original statement stated that a COMPUTER IS SOFTWARE! and I felt you wanted to reference the software that BELONGED to a computer.

              I do also agree: is the software really the computer’s (but I think that is a whole different conversation) and we probably are trying other loungers patience enough with where this thread has gone.

              I apologize to any who are perturbed for starting the tangent.


            • #677367


              Bearing in mind Steve’s comment I have posted my reply to a new Scuttlebutt thread.


    • #676567

      Try the FindLink addin of Bill Manville:


      or check out the starpost post 30606 for other ideas


    • #676568

      (Edited by Leif on 13-Mar-04 16:58. to update link to http://www.bmsltd.ie/)

      Bill Manville’s Find Links Add-In available on this site may be what you’re looking for. Links can be all sorts of things – including named ranges. HTH

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