• Excel formatting


    I am using MS Office 2010 Excel program. When formatting a column I format it for the style and type I want to enter. If I add lines between the formatting the sheet defaults to some other style. How can I format a column to stay the same through all entries?

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    • #1349249

      I can’t reproduce your problem. I formatted 3 columns, one text, one date, one time. I entered a name, date and time into two rows and all showed up correctly.
      I inserted a new row between the formatted rows and entered a name, date and time, which all showed up correctly.

    • #1349265


      Can you post a sample workbook that exibits the problem? :cheers:

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
      Computer Specs

    • #1351070

      It depends on how you “Add lines”, If you right click the number to the left of the row and click insert, it will insert a complete row with the same formatting as the row above. It also provides you with a drop=down gizmo(in col A below the new row) which lets you select “Format as above”, “Format as below”. or “Clear formatting”. You can ignore the gizmo and it disappears when you do anything else on the sheet.

      If you select a part of the row, right click it and click Insert then “shift cells down” or “Entire row” the behaviour is similar except with the first option the gizmo is to the right and below the inserted cells.

      If however you select cells, right click, click insert, and click “shift cells right” it will insert new unformatted cells in the selected area. the shifted cells will retain their original formatting.

      You can turn the gizmo off. File/Options/Cut, Copy, and paste section/ Show insert options buttons.

      I cannot find any way to change the default insert option. On my set up it seems to default to “same as above”

    • #1351345

      Thanks for the tips, I think I have figured the problem out. I am keeping a checkbook with Date, Type, Payee, Amount, Deposit and balance on one row. That works OK when a row is added to the bottom of the list, however, I keep mine running up instead of down, so when I insert a row at the top the formatting doesn’t get picked up! Thanks again to all who responded.
      Capn Ken

    • #1351360


      If you place a blank row below your title row, i.e. row 2 and format it like you want then you can insert between row 2 & 3 and keep the formatting.
      You can then place your cursor in A3 and select Freeze Panes from the View tab. Once frozen use the mouse to drag the dividing line between the row numbers up so that only row 1 shows (basically you’re setting the height of row 2 to 0).
      Now the blank row is effectively hidden but will still affect formatting on insert operations. :cheers:

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
      Computer Specs

    • #1351397

      RG Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, it works and will save me a lot of time reformatting.


      Capn Ken

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