• Excel Automation: the active area (Access & Excel 2003 SP2)

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    • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago.

    Hey all! (and Hans

    I am working with Access and Excel automation. My program transfers information from Access to Excel and then manipulates the formatting of the Excel spreadsheet to make it look uniform and pretty.

    Is there an easy way to reference the part of the excel spreadsheet that contains data so that I can format just th epart of the spreadsheet that’s being used?

    The reason for this is that I then want to set my print options to always format to 1 page width but multiple pages down, and if I accidentally format part of the spreadsheet I don’t want, then I get blank columns in the width on the right.


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    • #1099934

      Let’s say that you have a variable wsh of type Excel.Worksheet.
      The used range of wsh (at least, what Excel considers to be the used range) is


      If you want to refer to the table containing cell A1, you can use


      • #1099936

        Hans, that worked BEAUTIFULLY!

        Can you possibly point me to a reference that would have this sort of information? I have a gazillion books here, but none of them have the phrase “CurrentRange” in them. I was searching for “ActiveRange” not knowing what I was looking for…it’s sooo confusing!

        Thank you sooooo much! trophy

        • #1099939

          PS. For example, another thing I’d like to do is set the margins of the excel spreadsheet so it’s ready to print…

          What I’ve been doing is writing macros in excel and trying to get them to work in Access, but this particular one won’t work…and it would be nice to be able to see what other sorts of properties I can manipulate from Access to Excel.

          • #1099950

            You can do everything from Access that you also can do within Excel, but you must take care to refer explicitly to Excel objects created by you. For example, the following code is fine when run within Excel, but it is dangerous when run from Access:

            With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
            .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
            .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
            .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
            .BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1)
            End With

            The reason is that you’re not in Excel, so ActiveSheet is not properly qualified. Instead of ActiveSheet, you should refer to a variable of type Excel.Worksheet:

            With wsh.PageSetup

            or to the active sheet within a workbook referred to by a variable of type Excel.Workbook:

            With wbk.ActiveSheet.PageSetup

            • #1099953

              Actually, it was the whole “InchestoPoints” thing that threw me, it wasn’t necessary at all :-/

              Thanks again! You are da man!!!

        • #1099946

          I generally like Excel Books by John Walkenbach – he has books about Excel in general, and about Excel VBA.

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