• Excel 2010 – paste special in visible cells only

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » Excel 2010 – paste special in visible cells only


    i’ve found in my new copy of excel 2010, when i copy and paste special values on a filtered list, it now pastes into hidden rows also where in 03, it pasted only on the visible cells. do you know how to revert to the process where i can restrict my pasting to visible cells only?

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    • #1288534

      I never worked with XL2003, but XL97 and XL2000 as far as I remember would paste in a contiguous fashion, so would paste over hidden rows (wheter explicitly hidden or via autofilter). I find it hard to believe they implemented a feature to not paste contiguously in XL2003 that was then abandoned in XL2010, but stranger things have happened.

      Did you have to do a special process for this or was it just built-in? If a process, what is it, [perhaps it is still there in XL2010 and you just don’t know the steps]


      • #1289424

        I keep the ‘Visible Cells Only’ icon on my shortcut bar and use that. If you Copy, hit the Visible Cells Only icon, then Paste Special, Excel will copy only into the visible cells.


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