• Endnote Question (2002 SP-2)


    I have a 300+ page document (it’s a book, really). It has several pages worth of endnotes at the end of the document. Now, we need to be able to put a 22 page bibliography AFTER the endnotes at the end of the document. Is this possible? I’ve attached a 3 page version of a document with endnotes. Basically, I just need to be able to insert a page break AFTER the endnotes and type any text.

    Thank you,

    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • #724825

      No, you can’t insert breaks after the endnotes. I found a note by Word MVP Suzanne Barnhill in which she states that it has been requested for the version to come AFTER Word 2003…

      You’ll have to create a separate document for the bibliography. If necessary, fix the starting page number manually just before submitting the final version. (Or make lots of backups and try the master document feature)

      • #724849

        I figured as much. Thanks for the reply, though!

        • #725041

          I once wrote a macro that would convert the Endnotes from their proprietary format to ordinary body text formatted to look like Endnotes. This would be something to run only when the document was final. I’m not sure what I’ve done with that document…

          • #842605

            I desperately want the referenced macro–any chance you can find it? I have worked up a reasonably efficient manual procedure that takes advantage of some simple word features (eg, turn on field shading, view all, etc.) that takes about 15-20 minutes for a 40 page manuscript with around 50 refs, but automatic would be much nicer. The best “automatic” way I could come up with was to save as text (thus losing all tables and graphs!) and reformat. I want to keep endnotes in place until 5 minutes before I send the manuscript to a scientific journal

            • #842846

              I used the Lounge search for 5 minutes and could not find it. I also can’t find it on my computer (I really need to get organized…). But I don’t think I imagined it. smile ; I know I referred to it in post 260541, from June 2003. I probably can re-create it after hours.

            • #842856

              Would greatly appreciate any assistance–am using 2003 BTW. I tried searching also, obviously finding the original post from last year. And if you figure out some way to get and stay organized, please share that too!


            • #843490

              Below’s another macro that puts the end notes after the next-to-last section.

              You can put endnotes after sections, and then suppress endotes for any section.
              The only thing that’s really hard to do is to number endnotes continuously across some of the sections (say because you need landscape/portrait pages in some chapters).
              Word 2003 introduced an option to number endnotes continuously, but it’s pretty badly broken.

              Sub AppendixAfterEndnotes()
              ' sets endnote location to end of section:
              With ActiveDocument.Endnotes
                      .Location = wdEndOfSection
                  End With
              ' sets all sections to have endnotes suppressed:
              ActiveDocument.Sections.PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = True
              ' tells Word not to suppress endnotes for the next to last ("numSections-1") section:
              Dim numSections
              If numSections> 1 then
                ActiveDocument.Sections(numSections-1).PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = False
              End if
              End Sub

              If you perhaps have several sections (e.g. an index AND a bibliography) after the notes, you will need to modify the code slightly. If you want the endnotes to appear in front of two or three sections, then you may need to change the code to read

            • #843498

              Not my problem. Can do that with no problem.–I just got in on this post because one of the answers implied a macro to do what I want.

              I want to convert all the end notes to true text at the end prior to sending to scientific journal. Manuallyit is a 5-8 step process that copies all the endnotes to a new page, removes the (1) that is in front of all, numbers them with number function, giving a numbered list with the same numbers as the original end-note list. Then find each end note reference in the document, enter the number manually in the format the journal specifies, then at the very end, find all the endnote references and delete them, which deletes the endnotes in the original list. Same process if footnotes. Pain in the tuckus.

              I can convert all cross references to text with control shift F, but that doesn’t do a thng for the endnotes or footnotes.

            • #843504

              I just have a macro to put footnotes inline with the text (inside some tags). Maybe you can adapt it:
              cheers Klaus

              Sub footnotestrip()
                Dim afootnote As Footnote
                Dim NumberOfFootnotes As Integer
                Dim i As Integer
                Dim aFootnoteReference As String
                Dim aFootnoteRefTag As String
                NumberOfFootnotes = ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Count
                For i = NumberOfFootnotes To 1 Step -1
                  Set afootnote = ActiveDocument.Footnotes(i)
                  Selection.MoveStartWhile Cset:=" " & Chr(9)
                  aFootnoteReference = afootnote.Reference.Text
                  Select Case aFootnoteReference
                    Case Chr(2)
                      aFootnoteRefTag = ""
                    Case "*"
                      aFootnoteRefTag = ""
                    Case Else
                      aFootnoteRefTag = "" _
                      & aFootnoteReference & ""
                  End Select
                  If afootnote.Reference.Text = Chr(40) Then
                    With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)
                      aFootnoteRefTag = _
                    End With
                  End If
                  Selection.InsertBefore "" _
                  & aFootnoteRefTag
                  Selection.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
                  Selection.InsertAfter ""
                Next i
              End Sub
            • #843505

              I just have a macro to put footnotes inline with the text (inside some tags). Maybe you can adapt it:
              cheers Klaus

              Sub footnotestrip()
                Dim afootnote As Footnote
                Dim NumberOfFootnotes As Integer
                Dim i As Integer
                Dim aFootnoteReference As String
                Dim aFootnoteRefTag As String
                NumberOfFootnotes = ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Count
                For i = NumberOfFootnotes To 1 Step -1
                  Set afootnote = ActiveDocument.Footnotes(i)
                  Selection.MoveStartWhile Cset:=" " & Chr(9)
                  aFootnoteReference = afootnote.Reference.Text
                  Select Case aFootnoteReference
                    Case Chr(2)
                      aFootnoteRefTag = ""
                    Case "*"
                      aFootnoteRefTag = ""
                    Case Else
                      aFootnoteRefTag = "" _
                      & aFootnoteReference & ""
                  End Select
                  If afootnote.Reference.Text = Chr(40) Then
                    With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)
                      aFootnoteRefTag = _
                    End With
                  End If
                  Selection.InsertBefore "" _
                  & aFootnoteRefTag
                  Selection.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
                  Selection.InsertAfter ""
                Next i
              End Sub
            • #843532

              The original macro was to copy the footnotes into a blank new document, which is somewhat different than what you need. (See post 71149.)

              I’ve attached a module that contains the code to copy the endnotes to the end of the document — into a new section, although that’s not critical — and replace Word’s magic references with text. I found some code to convert roman numerals, since my test document used romans. If you use alphabetical characters, it’s a bit easier, but I didn’t code it at this point. (Starving… must… eat… lunch…)

              Hope this helps.

            • #843547

              Thank you very much. It looks like I only need the first of the three programs–I did a simple test and it worked. I normally use arabic numbers. Tonight I will test it with a real manuscript that I did manually. I’ll let you know. I suspect I need to convert the cross references before I run this.

              Hopefully I won’t need to modify it, as I don’t do VB and don’t have time to learn it this week. smile

            • #843554

              > I suspect I need to convert the cross references before I run this.

              There’s something I don’t know anything about. If you need help with that, I suggest starting a new thread so people notice the new topic.

            • #843569

              That I know how to do. It’s a trivial manual operation. Highlight the entire document and then hit control shift F9, which converts all fields to text

              That’s something I need to do anyway as the editors don’t like word documents with any automatic functions. In the drafting and reviewing (multiple authors) I use automatic dating, page numbering and table and figure numbering and cross-reference them in text discussions. Then I have to get rid of the fields.

            • #843555

              > I suspect I need to convert the cross references before I run this.

              There’s something I don’t know anything about. If you need help with that, I suggest starting a new thread so people notice the new topic.

            • #843549

              I’m just back from dinner grin

              You can also select the paragraphs and use the ancient ToolsBulletsNumbers command to insert the numbers:
              WordBasic.ToolsBulletsNumbers FormatNumber:=2, Punctuation:=””
              results in i ii iii iv …
              WordBasic.ToolsBulletsNumbers FormatNumber:=0, Punctuation:=”()”
              results in (1) (2) (3) …
              WordBasic.ToolsBulletsNumbers FormatNumber:=4, Punctuation:=”:”
              results in a: b: c: …

              cheers Klaus

            • #843550

              I’m just back from dinner grin

              You can also select the paragraphs and use the ancient ToolsBulletsNumbers command to insert the numbers:
              WordBasic.ToolsBulletsNumbers FormatNumber:=2, Punctuation:=””
              results in i ii iii iv …
              WordBasic.ToolsBulletsNumbers FormatNumber:=0, Punctuation:=”()”
              results in (1) (2) (3) …
              WordBasic.ToolsBulletsNumbers FormatNumber:=4, Punctuation:=”:”
              results in a: b: c: …

              cheers Klaus

            • #843533

              The original macro was to copy the footnotes into a blank new document, which is somewhat different than what you need. (See post 71149.)

              I’ve attached a module that contains the code to copy the endnotes to the end of the document — into a new section, although that’s not critical — and replace Word’s magic references with text. I found some code to convert roman numerals, since my test document used romans. If you use alphabetical characters, it’s a bit easier, but I didn’t code it at this point. (Starving… must… eat… lunch…)

              Hope this helps.

            • #843499

              Not my problem. Can do that with no problem.–I just got in on this post because one of the answers implied a macro to do what I want.

              I want to convert all the end notes to true text at the end prior to sending to scientific journal. Manuallyit is a 5-8 step process that copies all the endnotes to a new page, removes the (1) that is in front of all, numbers them with number function, giving a numbered list with the same numbers as the original end-note list. Then find each end note reference in the document, enter the number manually in the format the journal specifies, then at the very end, find all the endnote references and delete them, which deletes the endnotes in the original list. Same process if footnotes. Pain in the tuckus.

              I can convert all cross references to text with control shift F, but that doesn’t do a thng for the endnotes or footnotes.

            • #843491

              Below’s another macro that puts the end notes after the next-to-last section.

              You can put endnotes after sections, and then suppress endotes for any section.
              The only thing that’s really hard to do is to number endnotes continuously across some of the sections (say because you need landscape/portrait pages in some chapters).
              Word 2003 introduced an option to number endnotes continuously, but it’s pretty badly broken.

              Sub AppendixAfterEndnotes()
              ' sets endnote location to end of section:
              With ActiveDocument.Endnotes
                      .Location = wdEndOfSection
                  End With
              ' sets all sections to have endnotes suppressed:
              ActiveDocument.Sections.PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = True
              ' tells Word not to suppress endnotes for the next to last ("numSections-1") section:
              Dim numSections
              If numSections> 1 then
                ActiveDocument.Sections(numSections-1).PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = False
              End if
              End Sub

              If you perhaps have several sections (e.g. an index AND a bibliography) after the notes, you will need to modify the code slightly. If you want the endnotes to appear in front of two or three sections, then you may need to change the code to read

            • #842857

              Would greatly appreciate any assistance–am using 2003 BTW. I tried searching also, obviously finding the original post from last year. And if you figure out some way to get and stay organized, please share that too!


            • #842847

              I used the Lounge search for 5 minutes and could not find it. I also can’t find it on my computer (I really need to get organized…). But I don’t think I imagined it. smile ; I know I referred to it in post 260541, from June 2003. I probably can re-create it after hours.

          • #842606

            I desperately want the referenced macro–any chance you can find it? I have worked up a reasonably efficient manual procedure that takes advantage of some simple word features (eg, turn on field shading, view all, etc.) that takes about 15-20 minutes for a 40 page manuscript with around 50 refs, but automatic would be much nicer. The best “automatic” way I could come up with was to save as text (thus losing all tables and graphs!) and reformat. I want to keep endnotes in place until 5 minutes before I send the manuscript to a scientific journal

        • #725042

          I once wrote a macro that would convert the Endnotes from their proprietary format to ordinary body text formatted to look like Endnotes. This would be something to run only when the document was final. I’m not sure what I’ve done with that document…

      • #724850

        I figured as much. Thanks for the reply, though!

    • #724826

      No, you can’t insert breaks after the endnotes. I found a note by Word MVP Suzanne Barnhill in which she states that it has been requested for the version to come AFTER Word 2003…

      You’ll have to create a separate document for the bibliography. If necessary, fix the starting page number manually just before submitting the final version. (Or make lots of backups and try the master document feature)

    • #725004

      Hi Becky:
      I don’t have Word 2002, but if you go to Insert/Footnotes, which brings up the Footnotes/Endnotes dialog box, there is an options button. You can change the placement of the endnotes to be after each section. Then you can enter a continuous section break after the main body & put a bibliography after the endnotes. See attached.
      Hope this helps,

      • #725419

        Thank you. I’ll keep that one in mind next time something like this comes up. Unfortuantely, the user needed to put multiple section breaks into the document so she could have the endnotes restart counting for each chapter. It was “finished” yesterday (although, I thought that about 2 months ago, too). That’s a great idea, though.

        Thank you!

      • #725420

        Thank you. I’ll keep that one in mind next time something like this comes up. Unfortuantely, the user needed to put multiple section breaks into the document so she could have the endnotes restart counting for each chapter. It was “finished” yesterday (although, I thought that about 2 months ago, too). That’s a great idea, though.

        Thank you!

    • #725005

      Hi Becky:
      I don’t have Word 2002, but if you go to Insert/Footnotes, which brings up the Footnotes/Endnotes dialog box, there is an options button. You can change the placement of the endnotes to be after each section. Then you can enter a continuous section break after the main body & put a bibliography after the endnotes. See attached.
      Hope this helps,

    Viewing 3 reply threads
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