AskWoody members to the forums may have noticed I’ve been a little quiet for the past few weeks. This is because I am ramping up to begin work on some exciting new projects at my work.
With my workload ramping up, coming up I will not have time to interact at AskWoody, so this is almost the end of the road for my time at AskWoody as a contributor and MVP.
I have a handful of newsletter articles in the process of being released. I will be remaining on the AskWoody forums while the remaining newsletter articles are published so I can interact with any comments/feedback/questions on those articles (hopefully they will be published prior to April 30, as after that time, I will need to wind things down and say goodbye to contributing on AskWoody on or shortly after that).
After I am finished interacting with the remaining articles, I will instruct the AskWoody admins to de-activate my AskWoody account on here (since I am unable to have time to login to the site and interact with people on AskWoody after I officially depart). My existing forum posts can be assigned to another account that one of the admins can take over so that my previous contributions are preserved on the site. I will also instruct them to close out my AskWoody Plus membership and newsletter subscriptions since I won’t have time to continue reading much tech news once I begin my work projects (which will simplify things a little with my inbox since I’m also in the process of closing out a range of old account logins).
In the meantime, I am handing the keys to the Apple Operating System Updates knowledgebase article over to PKCano who can provide guidance on Apple Operating System Updates moving forward. PKCano has been keeping the article updated (I’ve been emailing the update guidance), so the article will continue to be in great hands with PKCano overseeing it. Future Apple News updates posted here will likely continue from Alex5723 and other AskWoody contributors. With the exception of interacting with comments on my remaining AskWoody newsletter subscriptions, I won’t be logging in too often or posting so I can get ready for the next chapter in my work projects.
Those who wish to follow some of my work post-AskWoody can check out my weather blog at, as it contains links to my work projects and news updates from my work.
Thank you all for reading my contributions and for interacting with me here on AskWoody in the past. I wish you all the best as you continue to read and enjoy tech news from other AskWoody contributors. It’s been a fun and rewarding journey together.
Nathan Parker