• Empty Deleted Items on Exit – Not Working

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Empty Deleted Items on Exit – Not Working


    I have a user who has Outloook 2003 SP3 set to empty the Deleted Items when he exits. It has suddenly stopped working – the items remain. There have been no computer changes. I have had him uncheck the option, exit, then re-check the option. I have also had him run Detect and Repair.

    Does anyone have any ideas of what else I can have him do?


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    • #1166541

      Here are some suggestions from http://www.experts-exchange.com. Unfortunately direct links to threads on that website don’t work.
      [indent]1. Register two important Outlook files. Go to Start > Run and type regsvr32 OLE32.DLL
      Do the same for INETCOMM.DLL

      2. If no joy, an addin could be interfering. Disable Outlook Addins. Go to Tools > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Addin Manager or COMM/Addins and disable the addins.
      If you cannot open Outlook, do a search for and rename extend.dat file.

      3. Check if an external program running in the background is interfering with Outlook. Check Firewall, antivirus, antispyware, antispam, and all Norton programs. Disable these programs one at a time.

      4. If no joy, create a new Outlook profile.

    • #1166636

      Try to manually delete items from the “Deleted” folder.
      If you are still having issues, then one of the files may be messed up.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

    • #1166763

      I have a user who has Outloook 2003 SP3 set to empty the Deleted Items when he exits. It has suddenly stopped working – the items remain.

      I don’t know Outlook “under the hood” in the technical structure sense, but if Hans’ and Dave’s ideas don’t work, and the user is on Exchange and has the “Restore Deleted Items” menu available in Deleted Items Folder view, try turning off the “dumpster.ecf” service in Tools | Options | Advanced | Add-in Manager (I think) to see if that has any effect. If it does, recreate the “dumpster.ecf” file from the Office installation files.

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