• Email from Access? (A2k (9.0.3821) SR-1)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » Email from Access? (A2k (9.0.3821) SR-1)


    I need code to send email from an access database via AOL without using Outlook

    Is that possible?

    I thought I had a sample db that demonstrated this and can

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    • #637421

      In general you can send email without using outlook using the command docmd.sendobject
      Look up help for the syntax..

      This will use your default email program, whatever that is.

      I have no experience with AOL, so i don’t know if there are issues associated with that.

    • #637472

      If you don’t mind adding an external object to your project, you should consider ASPemail. Allows sending of email completely free of Outlook. It’s available for free at aspemail.com.

      • #637967

        Just another vote for ASPEmail. I use it myself. There is a ‘pro’ version which costs money, but the free version is very acceptable with it’s abilities.

        Of course, if you are really adventurous, you can make your own smtp client. I have a VB sample if you want. (Needed a method of ‘resending’ filtered emails. Emails filtered by our Spam filter go to the user with a ‘default blocked’ message. Sometimes there is a falsely blocked email.)


        • #637981

          Hi Drew

          You can send me a copy.

          Thanks, John

          • #637984

            Actually, zipped, its pretty small, so I’ll post it. I removed my smtp servers address, you’ll have to put that in. Also, ‘review’ the code to see how it works, it’s a pretty bare bones utility I wrote.


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