• Eliminate Error Messages (Excel 2003)


    I have a worksheet that calculates values in a table based upon a selected data set from another sheet. In some cases, values are missing from the selected data set. The missing data causes #DIV/0, #N/A, or other error messages to be inserted in the table. I want to eliminate these messages and just leave the cell blank when data is missing.

    In the past, I have worked around this problem by entering an IF function in each cell of the table similar to this:
    This eliminates the error messages, but it is quite cumbersome, especially when the formula is long. Debugging and formula changes are difficult because the formula must be checked and/or changed twice in each cell of the table. Is there an easier way to eliminate the error messages?

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    • #967540

      The only alternative would be to build specific tests into the formulas, e.g. in a division:


      instead of


      but it’s still cumbersome.

    • #967642

      See if this VBA subroutine will help.
      AddISERROR will take a formula and wrap “=IF(ISERROR(FORMULA),””,FORMULA)” if there is no ISERROR already in the formula. If you have a really long formula this might create a resulting formula too long for XL to handle.

      Sub AddISERROR()
      Dim rngCell As Range
      Dim I As Long
      Dim iCalculationState As Integer
      Dim Work As String
      iCalculationState = Application.Calculation
      Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
      For Each rngCell In Selection
          If rngCell.HasFormula Then
              If InStr(rngCell.Formula, "ISERROR") = 0 Then
                  Work = Right(rngCell.Formula, Len(rngCell.Formula) - 1)
                  rngCell.Formula = "=IF(ISERROR(" & Work _
                                         & "),""""," & Work & ")"
              End If
          End If
      Application.Calculation = iCalculationState
      End Sub

      Also, I recall some months back a user-defined error function created by some loungers
      that only required one instance of the formula being tested, not two.
      Later Found it!: post 87,625

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