• EditPad Lite


    EditPad Lite a free text editor and notepad replacement has been updated (mainly bug fixes)

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    • #976473

      Thanks for this Tony but I use Crimson Editor these days. It has the added advantage of being able to set up simple macros and colour-code keywords in most scripting programmes. It handles Autoit beautifully (a scripting language that I believe you pointed me towards a couple of years back).

    • #976475

      Good one, Tony. I think I’ll give it a look-see as I’m always interested in improvement. I’ve been using NoteTab Text Editors for a few years and don’t have any complaints about it (I use the free version). I’ll have to run THIS one to see which I like best. Thanks.

    • #976490

      I really wish that IBM had rewritten their PC-DOS editor E for the Windows environment. I’ve used it for about 15 years, and still do for writing BATch files…


      • #976495

        Oh boy, does THAT bring back fond memories, John! When I was still working, IBM used to have an “internal” software network where employees could place software they had written to make it available to other employees. As you can imagine, our terms of employment included the fact that ANY “invention” (including software) became the property of IBM. If The Company chose to do so, they could publish the software, but meanwhile we employees were free to download anything approved and made available on the internal network. With that preamble, I was privileged to use E when it was on the internal network for employees. I can’t remember what the author called it at the time, but it was not E. I was already retired when I discovered the published version of E, and I remember thinking hey, this sure does look familiar! Another trip down memory lane!

        PS I still have a bunch of that software around (with permission to retirees, of course) but obviously most of it is no longer applicable, what with stuff like long file names, FAT32, NTFS, etc. After retirement, we were cut off from the internal network obviously. One of the other ones I used for a LONG time was a binary editor which I used to supplement the old Norton Utilities editing (i.e. hacking or patching) capability.

    • #976558


      Just to let Lounge users know – and I’m not suggesting that the new EditPad Lite is buggy but…

      Since it had been a long time since I downloaded a version of EditPad (V 3.2.1 was my last version which was about 1998), I decided to look and see what’s new. The current version is 3.7, so I decided to download it, especially since it purported to fix a few bugs and had a feature or two that seemed worthwhile having.

      iI went thru the installation and chose “Advance Options Installation”. The installation dialog seemed to go ok, including redirecting the program files to be on my D drive where the old version of EditPad was. When the dialog was done, the install started. Next thing I know was that a blue-screen appeared briefly – I was able to read a few words – “a serious error has occurred” and the system restarted. Even though I got into my desktop, things seemed to move very s—-l—-o—-w. My desktop icons were shown as the system default icons. Clicking on things didn’t seem to have much effect. And even CTRL+ALT+delete didn’t do anything. I shutdown the PC and started it again. Pretty much the same thing. One more time and here I am. I restored to a system checkpoint from early this morning and am back in operation. As a result of that checkpoint, V 3.7 of EditPad is gone. And I’m not going to download it again.


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