• editing a document on a multisession cd

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    is there a program that will allow me to edit a document on a cd, then save it on the cd?

    I have nero v6, and win xp.

    the problem im running into is, the documentis “read only” on the disc.

    i was wondering if there may be an app out there for that.

    thanks for the help

    Viewing 4 reply threads
    • #1044536

      I don’t think this is possible. Why not copy the document to your hard drive, edit it there, and then write it to the CD?


    • #1044543

      It can be done withe a program like Nero InCD and specially formatted CD-R(W)’s, that behave like a hard drive. I’ve tried it about two years ago. But I quit using this pretty quickly and strongly advice against it, because:
      – very slow compared to hard drive operations
      – not very reliable
      – overhead – InCD and the like have to start with Windows to be able to recognize the insertion of a specially formatted disc
      – compatibillty issues with other software, especially software with built-in burn capabillities

      • #1044745

        The technology you commented on sounds similar to DVD-RAM (which acts like a hard drive), and it might be profitable to do a quick search on that to bring yourself up to date. I haven’t tried it, although I have a drive that is capable of it, and I am eager to do so. One prominent use at present is in video cameras.

        • #1044869

          Nero InCD and the like do allow you to use a CD-R(W)] like a hard drive to some extend, but it is an entirely different technology than DVD-RAM.

    • #1044551

      First admitting that I don’t mess around with multisession so I’ve not done this. But if the disk has truly been burned as multisession, you should be able to either open the file directly or copy it to the hard drive and then open it. NOW, if you write the modified file back to the CD in a NEW session, you should be alright. I don’t know if you would have to change the file name or not. You WILL end up with multiple copies on the CD. The intended purpose of multisession is to ADD stuff to the disk, not edit. CD-RW is for that, but I echo Jan’s feeling about the whole business – it’s not worth it. CDs are cheap, so it’s far easier to copy the files to a hard drive, edit what needs editing and then re-burn a new CD.

    • #1044625

      Get yourself a USB Flash Drive and then store your document on it and you can edit it to your heart’s content.

      To be on the safe side, you should backup any and all changes to this document to your HD as soon as you make them. A good tool for this is Microsoft’s free power toy SyncToy that will syncronize the file on the USB drive with the one on your HD.

      • #1044980

        > power toy SyncToy
        Thanks for this.
        It looks a lot healthier than Briefcase, which I never could understand, and comes at an opportune time as I begin shuttling between my home office and several clients clutching my little memory stick.

        • #1044994

          Glad someone found it useful. smile The OP hasn’t checked back in a week. shrug

          • #1045016

            > found it useful.
            “educational” more like it.
            I mapped a folder containing 500 docs to my flash drive, including two sub-folders. Whoop-de-doo.
            Then I deleted the two sub-folders from the flash drive.
            Next thing you know I’m scrambling around the Recycle bin restoring valuable files to the hard drive (I make two identical backups each morning but, you know ….).

            I have now copied the SyncToy Help File to my flash drive and will amuse myself by reading that in bed tonight before pursuing any other course (grin!)

            • #1045137


              There was a link in this weeks Office Watch newsletter to a review of SyncToy. Thought you might be interested whisper and the link to the review belongs here anyway. smile

            • #1045146

              > link in this weeks Office Watch newsletter
              Doc Thanks for this.
              I especially liked the “CHOOSING AN OPERATION” section which told me I could have avoided my Recycle Bin Scramble with “Combine” (Think of this as a ‘safe’ version of Synchronize – with no deletions or rename)

          • #1045061

            Sad to say he HAS, but the “cat seems to have got his tongue” on a few of his threads. Ty, Ty, are you out there somewhere?

            Happy New Year…

    • #1045071

      If the optical media was formatted using ISO/IEC 13346, the basis of UDF, you can treat the media as if it were a hard drive.

      If the media is formated using ISO 9660, you would have to edit the file on a hard drive, then copy it to the media.
      But if ISO 9660 was used and the media was “finalized”, then an additional session cannot be added.

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