• E-mail weblinks don’t work (IE 5.00.3314)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Questions: Browsers and desktop software » Internet Explorer and Edge » E-mail weblinks don’t work (IE 5.00.3314)


    They used to work, but stopped working this morning…now when I receive an e-mail with links to a website, clicking on them just takes me into IE, but the website does not display. What did I mess up now?

    Should I update to 5.5 or 6.preview while I’m at it? I’d rather not….

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    • #533286

      Are you sure you’re still connected when you check your e-mail?

      Have you made any changes to your system since this began to fail?

      What mail program are you using?


      • #533297

        Ouch. Yes, I’m sure I’m still connected. I use Outlook 2k-SR2, with IE5.0. Like in this reply to posting e-mail, I couldn’t click on the URL in the e-mail…I had to cut and paste it into the Address line manually. Doing that, it worked. It seems that the Outlook-e-mail-to-IE link is broken.

        • #533298

          Perhaps this will be of some help?

          Also, I would recommend upgrading your I.E. to 5.5SP1, It’s the most stable version out there.. grin (It will likely fix your problem if the above MSKB article doesn’t. smile

          Hope that helps!

          • #533310

            Ding ding ding!!!

            YES! You fixed it. Thanks. I checked all the other darn file-type settings, but missed that one. fanfare

          • #593527

            That Microsoft article did the trick. You guys are awsome. Thanks a lot.

    • #533376

      There appears to be a problem with IE5.5 and 6 that if you apply the critical updates patch to fix the MIME Header hole, the pages do not display properly after clicking on links. I have told Microsoft this but they dent it is a problem. I fixed it by reinstalling IE from the Windows Update page.

    • #593662

      Roger – can you open regedit and drill down to HKClassesRootInternetShortcut. Find the “open” usb-key and then: Export it to your Desktop, open it with Notepad (Edit), and paste the contents in this thread? Thanks.

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