• Duplex printing (word 2000)


    Is it possible to print say, 10 copies of a 1 page word document duplexed? When I have tried this on a Lexmark T522 printer it always prints on 10 separate pages not duplexed.

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    • #928904

      I don’t think that’s possible. I would copy the contents of page 1 to a new page 2 and then print 5 duplexed copies of the doc.

      • #929079

        I thought of that to. If that is the only way then I will set it up and try it. Thanks.

        • #929467

          Why would one want the same imformation printed on both sides of a peice of paper?

          DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
          Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

          • #930132

            It’s to print a book of forms. The same form which is printed on 50 – 100 pages and each page needs to have a page number on it for tracking purposes.

            • #930251

              If you print 50 copies, won’t they all be numbered “Page 1”?

              I suggest that you insert a bookmark around the whole page. Then insert as many references to the bookmark as the number of pages you need.
              That way, you can make edits in the first page (the original text) and the edits will be reflected on all subsequent pages.


            • #930277

              I have some code which inserts a form field which updates the page number for the number of copies to be printed. I don’t understand the idea of using a bookmark for the whole page. Can you do that and how? Also how would bookmarking the page make the other pages update automatically? I thought the idea of a bookmark was to make it easy to jump to a particular part of a document. Or is there some extra functionality I don’t know about?

            • #930287

              The REF field can be used to duplicate the contents of a bookmark. I’ve done this on sheets of labels: create the intricately formatted content in the first cell, bookmark it, then use REF fields in the other cells to fill in the other labels. Saves lots of re-work when editing. grin

            • #930289

              I thought so too, but it actually has many more uses than that.
              Among other things bookmarks are great for putting in duplicates of text.
              To follow what is happening in my instructions, I suggest that under Tools->Options->View, you turn on the display of bookmarks and also turn field shading to Always.

              1. Write your page of text. Add a blank line.
              2. Select all except the last paragraph mark.
              3. Select Insert->Bookmark – Give it a name – You should see large square brackets around your text.
              4. At the end of the page insert a cross reference to the bookmark. You should see your text repeated – this time shaded as a field.
              5. Insert as many cross references as you need pages.
              Whenever you change the text in the page, select all (Ctrl-A) and refresh (F9).

              Note that in my attached file, the heading 1 style has been defined with a page break before it. This is how I usually control page breaks but it can also be done with manual page breaks.

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