Win 98SE Word 2000 HPLJ5M printer with duplex option.
When I print (say) 100 of a single page document the page goes to the printer with a command (presumably) to tell the printer 100 copies.
When I print 100 copies of a two page document for duplexing on a single sheet Word spools 200 pages to a spool file and sends them to the printer two at a time. This means that the data is being transmitted 100 times.
I have Total Memory Installed = 22Mb on the printer. My two-sided page is less than 1MB so it should not be necessary to spool the copies.
Is there a way of getting Word to recognize that the printer has plenty enough capacity and to treat it as though a single page. I have tried setting the available memory in the Printer Description panel but it makes no difference.
Any ideas please?