• duplex printer memory (Win 98SE Word 2000)


    Win 98SE Word 2000 HPLJ5M printer with duplex option.

    When I print (say) 100 of a single page document the page goes to the printer with a command (presumably) to tell the printer 100 copies.

    When I print 100 copies of a two page document for duplexing on a single sheet Word spools 200 pages to a spool file and sends them to the printer two at a time. This means that the data is being transmitted 100 times.

    I have Total Memory Installed = 22Mb on the printer. My two-sided page is less than 1MB so it should not be necessary to spool the copies.

    Is there a way of getting Word to recognize that the printer has plenty enough capacity and to treat it as though a single page. I have tried setting the available memory in the Printer Description panel but it makes no difference.

    Any ideas please?

    Viewing 2 reply threads
    • #876666

      This might be related to the collation setting. When last I checked, Word sent the complete print job multiple times if the collate box was checked in the Print dialog. If the box was not checked, it would send the print job once, along with an instruction to the printer (for each page?) to print each page the number of times you requested. I don’t recall any way to get around this behavior, but there might be something at the printer driver or OS level that would tell the printer you want multiple copies of “that job from Word.”

      • #876694


        Many thanks for that idea. Turning off collation does it for the single-sheet duplex situation, which is the one that was annoying me. For a multi-page document, however, it prints copies uncollated (as one would expect). Thanks for bailing me out again!


      • #876695


        Many thanks for that idea. Turning off collation does it for the single-sheet duplex situation, which is the one that was annoying me. For a multi-page document, however, it prints copies uncollated (as one would expect). Thanks for bailing me out again!


    • #876667

      This might be related to the collation setting. When last I checked, Word sent the complete print job multiple times if the collate box was checked in the Print dialog. If the box was not checked, it would send the print job once, along with an instruction to the printer (for each page?) to print each page the number of times you requested. I don’t recall any way to get around this behavior, but there might be something at the printer driver or OS level that would tell the printer you want multiple copies of “that job from Word.”

    • #877203

      What is needed is a command to tell the printer to hold all pages in memory & print them sequentially 100 times. This is problematic as a general solution although it would work in the specific circumstances you cite. You can do things like that in specific applications where you’re writing the program & can embed the appropriate printer commands in the header string-but I’ve never seen a commercial program that did it. (And I’m not sure you can do it under Windows-the one time I know of that something like that was done was when a colleague wrote a Postscript program as the print routine for a Basic program that was running under DOS.)

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