• Driver for Sound Missing


    All of the sudden I had no sound with my computer so I trouble shooted it by swapping out speakers and it still didn’t work. I looked at the device driver and it has a yellow ? over the multi media audio controller. I have tried searching for a driver locally and on the web with no luck. confused

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    • #1125318

      What is the name and type of sound card in your machine?
      Have you looked into the manufacturers website for a driver download?

      Try to uninstall the device by way of Device Manager and then reboot to see if the system “sees” the device again and installs a new set of drivers.

      • #1125320

        Okay, I unistalled it and rebooted. It found new hardware, but said it could not install hardward because the software could not be found. It is just called Multimedia Audio Controller. ??? I cannot find any softward for it either.

        • #1125328

          The MAC is usually part of the sound card software.
          Have you been able to determine what brand and type your sound card is?

          You can download a good System Information Tool at SIW
          Run it and it will tell you everything you have always wanted to know about your computer, including your sound card information.
          The go to the manufacturers website to get drivers, etc.

          BTW, is this a laptop or desktop computer?

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