• Don't use Windows 10 to move data on your Android phone or tablet

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    German blog site heise.de is running down a problem that may irreversibly destroy data on the Android device. [See the full post at: Don’t use Windows 10 to move data on your Android phone or tablet]

    Do you have a Windows PC and Android device (phone, tablet)? Want to participate in a bug hunt? Follow the directions in the article, then post here what you found. Remember to include the Windows version, Android version, and the name of your phone or tablet. Thanks!

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    • #131439

      Microsoft has a classic track record of bad protocol implementation. And we all know how it is going since they fired their testing team.

      I didn’t need any further reasons to skip Windows 10, but this is just another bonus extra one.

      The serious side of this is if you’re doing this using some friend’s computer, or some public one that has Windows 10. But now we know it.

      By the way, the unpaid beta tester minions are working well. Please send your despair to Micro$oft through the now usual telemetry reports.

      • #131465

        This comes as no surprise, and I don’t know if we’ll see things getting any better in the near future or not. Just when you think things are starting to look up, something else happens like this or updates are in chaos and causing problems. I think that a good part of the problem is so many different brands of hardware and configurations, it’s impossible to get something (OS) to work right on everything.  And on top of that, if you let the monkeys run the Zoo or you put the clowns in charge of the Circus, that doesn’t help the problem either. Not a rant, just an observation 🙂

    • #131463

      Irulu Victory v4 – Android 5.1.1


      Can copy file(s) from phone to PC and vice versa no problems.

      Problem with file moves and copies on the device with Win10 v1703. Have to copy to the PC then copy back to the phone.

      Cannot cut/move files from the phone to the PC or vice versa. Have to copy first then delete.

    • #131471

      An answer to your request…

      Using Windows 10 1607 I have been able to copy files from a phone (Android 4.4.4) to computer over USB and have two intact sets of files. I did not test moving files to a different directory on the phone’s filesystem.

      How I was avoiding any potential USB troubles…

      Bluetooth duplex file transfers used to function for my Windows 10 1607 installation and that is another issue for which there seems to be no posted remedy. I’ve tried several trouble shooting methods just short of updating a device driver. I read that Microsoft decided to include a troubleshooter widget in one the Creators editions.

      Microsoft ought to just name it Windows 10 Jello Edition. You can perform actions to make it jiggle in a bemusing manner but it is still too unstable, soft and prone to melting from heat.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #131484

      I have been using Airdroid and Firefox to do all my file management between WinX and my two Android devices, an old Que phone and a Nexus 7 tablet. Never have had — or noticed — any problems with that approach.

      There are 10 kinds of people:
      those who understand binary numbers
      and those who don't.

    • #131546

      I myself use Solid Explorer on Android to access my file shares on my networks.  This way I side step any Windows compatibility issues and is accessed the SMB file shares just fine. All transfers are through WiFi.

      However I may be hooking it up for ADB access in the near future.  If I do I will do some further testing at that point.  I have used Windows 10 1607 and Android 5.1.1, 6.0.1 on a Samsung Note 4 and currently I just got a LG V20 VS995 with Android 7.0.  No promises as to how quickly I will get to the testing as life has a way of sucking up all my time…

    • #131647

      Even with a Windows 10 Phone and a Windows 10 PC, using USB 3, the link will only support 1 connection. E.g. that means you can’t have 2 explorer windows on the PC to the same phone: an error message stating this limitation will show. I’ve seen this behavior between the PC and most intelligent devices that allow access to their storage (as opposed to USB memory stick or USB disk).

      As a file move expects to have 2 connections open (one to read, one to write), the outcome is unsure. A rename will work fine.

      Remarkable is also that Windows will not show the traditional progress graph (#files or #MB/S) when copying or moving files to or from the device.

    • #131867

      Confirmed, drag moving .txt file from current directory to subfolder causes the file to be deleted. The file operation dialog never appears. Using cut+paste either through the context menu or ctrl+x, ctrl+v also causes the files to be deleted.

      Windows 10 Pro Version 1703

      Windows 10 Version 1703

      Android 7.0 : LG G5
      Android 6.0 : LG G3

      Both phones have this problem under Windows 10. For fun I tried the same operation under Ubuntu 16 and the problem doesn’t exist with the same devices.

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