• Does this SQL call make you cringe?

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    Hello — This probably doesn’t belong here, but here I am. I know that Office products to not necessarily include MSSQL Server, but here is a call to my server from an old, reliable report writer that I am using. Basically, I set up some hard coded prompts that the user is required to fill, which in this case I call “WholeClientorStartNumswPerct_orX.”

    I want to offer the user the opportunity to enter the entire 6-digit client name, any amount of digits (followed by the percent), or “X”, which I translate to a “%”, which the code seems to be okay with. Actually, I could leave the “X” off entirely, because I find if I merely enter a “%” directly, it gets everything, so I’ll probably change the user prompt and the below CASE statement before we even get to the “SELECT” statement, can just be discarded. However, I was curious, and the below works like a charm, but it *is* running a little slowly. So, do you think this sort of SQL is bad bad bad?

    DECLARE @ClientBit varchar(6)
    set @ClientBit = case upper(:WholeClientorStartNumswPerct_orX)
    when ‘X’ then “%” — get any and all clients
    else :WholeClientorStartNumswPerct_orX — get whatever else the user has entered

    SELECT …. FROM ….. WHERE …
    Then, in the ‘Where’ clause, I limit it to “Client like @ClientBit” which could be 123456, 1234%, or %.

    I do do stored procedures, so I could go that route, but for now.. just wanted to get any SQL-savvy people’s take on it.


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    • #1030467

      Nothing about your SQL statement seems like it should cause any performance issues. I’m not familiar with the notation where you plugged in your parameter – I assume that’s specific to the calling application.

      The only thing I would recommend checking is the indexing of the field you reference in the WHERE clause. Just make sure that you’ve got the appropriate index and that it doesn’t have like 1,000,000 rows. That *could* slow down the query a bit!

      • #1030643

        Thanks, Mark.
        Yes, there is an index on that field, and that seems to be working pretty fast, but — I have another field that I am using and I am timing out on that. So, I second your sentiment about indexing!
        Thanks for responding,

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