• Diskpart Cleaned Veracrypt Drive — HELP ME PLEASE!

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Windows » Windows 10 » Windows 10 version 22H2 » Diskpart Cleaned Veracrypt Drive — HELP ME PLEASE!


    I was trying to set something up on my pc, and my windows borked. In my infinite wisdom of trying everything, I entered diskpart to try and get rid of the MBR / EFI and get windows to recreate it. Instead I selected the WRONG thing.

    I have a 1TB SSD.

    I selected disk 0 and did a disk clean on it! Cleaing my 953GB drive. I’ve tried running MiniTools, Easeus, etc, and I can recover my Windows Partition which I had unencrypted in a failed effort to repair but not my 600GB encrypted Partition. It shows up as unallocated space in windows, Minitools, easeus, etc. And because it was encrypted, I clearly can’t recovery anything off it

    Is there anything I can do to recover the 600GB partition so that it’s readable and mountable by VeraCrypt or am I totally out of luck?

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    • #2514117

      What’s the situation with your backups?

      Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2514166

      You cannot recover from partition deletion without either a backup, or spending lots of money on a data recovery service. 🙁

      cheers, Paul

    • #2583022

      I’ve just done the same thing and ran the diskpart clean command against my encrypted Veracrypt partition.

      The data definitely has to be there somewhere. The clean command only ran for 2 seconds.

      I’m running on my Linux box now to see if I can restore the partition details and file system details.

    • #2583243

      The clean command removes the partition information. After this is is not possible to know what partition(s) were on the disk and where they start and finish etc. The data is still on the disk but without the partition information you are lost.
      Restore from backup is the only easy solution.

      cheers, Paul

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