• Disk or Network Error with linked tables

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » Disk or Network Error with linked tables


    Hi folks,
    I have a data entry system in a manufacturing (headlight) facility. I have a copy of the entry system on each of seven decks. All workstations are running Win95, Access 97 with >500 Mhz CPU and >128 Meg Ram. The problem I’m having is with linked look-up tables on the network. I get intermittent “Disk or Network Error” messages that require closing the application and reopening it. My IT department states the network is running ok, but when I delete all linked tables and copy them locally, the problem disappears. Are there any tweaks to Access that make it a little less finicky?
    Thanks in advance for your help,

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    • #1776098

      Are you on a Novell network?
      I had a similar problem when I attempted to compact my DB on a Novell network. There was some sort of issue with File/Record Locking properties on the network itself. What the IS folks told me was that basically I was trying to “touch” too many things at once and they had to “up my file/record locks”. Someone from another board told me that Access apparently has this problem quite frequently and most of the IS folks think that we (db admins) don’t need to be able to “touch” that many things at once so they don’t set it as high as it should be. HTH

      • #1776101

        We’re on a NT server system – seems to be more of an intermittent problem. I’ll check with my IT people about the “file/record locks”. Thanks for the input!

    • #1776147

      If you can trap the error in your code you can relink the table(s) dynamically.

      I use code like this for the relink (sorry comments are dutch):

      Set dbs = CurrentDb()
      For Each doc In dbs.Containers!tables.Documents
      If Not blnGevonden Then
      If doc.Name = mstrTabel Then blnGevonden = True Else blnGevonden = False
      End If
      Next doc

      If blnGevonden Then
      Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(mstrTabel)
      If Len(tdf.Connect) > 0 Then
      tdf.Connect = “;DATABASE=” & strExternGegevensBestand
      Err = 0
      On Error Resume Next
      ‘Als opnieuw connecten niet lukt, stoppen met de handel.
      If Err > 0 Then
      fnRefreshLink = False
      Exit Function
      End If
      End If
      fnRefreshLink = True
      ‘Tabel niet in database, reconnect onmogelijk.
      fnRefreshLink = False
      End If

      Software Designer

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