• Desktop Background (98SE)

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    • This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago.

    So I got bored with my desktop; attempted to load an image file or two (in Display Properties > Background > Browse) from my own graphics folder. I “Apply” the first couple or so .jpgs, didn’t like them; & settled on the 3rd. Looks great. But…Windows remembered that very first preview (even though it’s not in the “Wallpaper” list); & now, whenever Windows starts up, that’s the graphic I see for about 4 seconds, until my chosen file loads! And when Windows shuts down?…same deal. That’s the graphic I see until the PC shuts off. What the heck?


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    • #647213

      I had a similar problem about 2 years ago. Although in my case it was more then annoying. When you have a domain, where you have to log onto your computer, once it has booted, that ‘ghost’ image sits behind the logon prompt too. It’s a pain. In my case, I accidentally right clicked a file, and instead of hitting ‘save as’, I hit ‘save as wallpaper’. Let’s just say that image wasn’t for children! grin

      What I did to get rid of it, is I just did a simple search for that file and deleted it. No more problem. I probably could have gotten away with ‘renaming’ it, or moving it, or I could have taken more time and searched the registry for it. But it was just quicker to delete the file.

      What I believe is happening, is I remember back in the days of when I was using 98 (yeck phewy barf ), I had found the registry setting that let you set a picture as your ‘splash’ screen for either the bootup or the shutdown. I think what is happening, is that when you save an image as wallpaper, it just automatically uses that file to fill all three positions, and when you pick another image, it doesn’t replace it for the splash screen options.

      If I wasn’t heading out the door, I’d goto regedit.com, and look for the registry keys that cause this…..

    • #647267

      I too have always had that weirdness with Win98 but haven’t ever gone registry searching to find out where it is. Similar to what Drew mentioned I have renamed the offending file so Windows wouldn’t find it. Once or twice I also tried changing the image AGAIN and AGAIN like you did and Windows would finally get it right. It has been awhile, but I think my final correction was to tell Windows “NONE” for background and power off. When I rebooted the temporary screen was just the currently chosen background color. By the way, I’ve had this problem also with the background color. I would change it and Windows would refuse to recognize it. What a headache, huh?

      • #647448

        Drew & Big Al,

        Thanks. I tried Al’s fix; & it worked! (amazingly, when I went back & checked, the image was gone from the Wallpaper list.) Another response at another board informed me the best way to load wallpaper images: is to drag-&-drop them directly into the Windows folder. I thought perhaps they were mistaken, in that there was probably a subfolder within Windows for the images, but when I checked, they were absolutely right. Funny thing is, before I used Al’s method, I checked that folder (Windows); & the image I had loaded by browsing wasn’t there. That tells me the drag-&-drop method is the correct method.

        Thanks again,


        • #657129

          You can use ANY folder, you will just have to brose to it and select the image you want to use.

          Also an image use from the net using the “Set as back ground” or “Save as Wallpaper” will be overwritten by the next save.

          DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
          Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

    • #657126

      Often when surfing the internet for new desktop wallpaper, I find more than one that I like. I take advantage of Windows’ basic wallpaper – the bitmap, and of the new Active Desktop route with jpgs. When I find a photo I like (usually a JPG):
      I save it to my HD
      open in paint
      save as BMP
      set as wallpaper (centered).

      THEN I find another JPG file I like, save to HD
      Rt-click desktop > Properties
      Browse to newly-downloaded Jpeg file
      Set as wallpaper, centered.

      When I get tired of seeing the JPG, I just right click the desktop,
      Click Active Desktop,
      Toggle View As Web Page to alternate between photos.

      Thought you’d be interested.

    • #657154

      Have you tried webshots?
      It’s not an image grabber but it has literally thousands (maybe more) of truly great photographs of every imagineable subject.
      You can use them as desktop backgrounds or screensavers and you can have them cycle to new shots at intervals of your choosing. It sure beats the plain old color backgrounds on the desktop and it’s free
      You can check it out or download the basic prog from : http://www.webshots.com/homepage.html%5B/url%5D

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