• Deleting empty modules (2000 SR-1)



    I just opened the Visual Basic Editor for an .xls file that I’m supposed to be doing some automation for…
    The Project Explorer lists over 100 standard modules (Don’t ask me how they got there!), and there are only 4 or 5 with code in them… I really don’t want to leave them there, and I don’t want to delete them all one at a time…

    Is there a way (by code) to loop through the Standard Modules for this workbook, check to see if there is any code in it, and if it’s empty, delete the module?
    They are all named “Module1”, “Module45”, etc…

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    • #696864

      Here is a procedure that will do what you want, BUT… by default, Excel will not allow you to manipulate modules in code – this is a security setting. You can change this setting, but you may want to reset after running this code.

      In Excel, select the Security tab of Tools | Options…
      Click Macro Security…
      Activate the Trusted Sources tab.
      Check the box labeled something like ‘Trust access to Visual Basic project’.
      Click OK twice.

      Now, switch to the Visual Basic Editor.
      Select Tools | References…
      Locate ‘Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3’ in the list and check the corresponding box.
      Click OK. This reference makes the code to manipulate code available evilgrin.

      Insert a new module.
      Paste the following code into the new module:

      Sub RemoveEmpties()
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim vbcs As VBComponents
      Dim vbc As VBComponent
      Set vbcs = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
      For i = vbcs.Count To 1 Step -1
      Set vbc = vbcs.Item(i)
      If vbc.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule Or _
      vbc.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule Then
      If vbc.CodeModule.CountOfLines < 3 Then
      vbcs.Remove vbc
      End If
      End If
      Next i
      Set vbc = Nothing
      Set vbcs = Nothing
      End Sub

      Click somewhere in this procedure and press F5 to run it.

      If you like, you can remove the module containg RemoveEmpties now – you don't need it any more.

      • #696869

        kiss thankyou

        Hans… You are THE BEST!!
        That is a verrrryyyy cool new thing to know! Thanks!

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