• delete a read-only file (XL-XP/2003)


    I need to delete a file that I created for a class that somehow got saved as a read-only file, and now opens everytime I start XL. I have tried to find that file to change its status from read-only to regular, but cannot find it anywhere. Have used Windows Explorer and have used Search, but nothing works. There are NO files showing in the XLStart folder. The file is named “lesson10.XLS” When I select “Save As…” when the spreadsheet is open, it opens XLStart folder and both lesson10.XLS and Personal.XLS (which is a macro file that I’d just as soon delete as well!) show up. But when I try to open XLStart folder via c:ProgramsMicrosoftOfficeOffice10XLStart, NOTHING shows, so I can’t select the file in order to change the read-only status, or delete it or whatever. Where do I go from here?

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    • #907510

      There are several XLSTART folders. The one used by Excel 2002/2003 is

      C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART

      You can also look if an additional startup folder has been specified in the General tab of Tools | Options… in Excel.

      • #907579

        Hans — Many thanks for the information. That solved the problem! Wonder why it’s necessary to have multiple XLStart folders? Anyway, I love Woody’s Lounge — the instructor in my online class didn’t come up with this answer at all.

        • #907589

          In older versions of Excel, there was only one XLStart folder, under Program FilesMicrosoft Office…. This meant that all users of a PC shared this folder, and used the same Personal.xls. Newer versions use the folder in Documents and Settings…, so that each user can have his/her own Personal.xls and other startup workbooks. They probably left the old folder in place for compatibility reasons. Or perhaps something deep down in Excel gets nervous if it doesn’t see an XLStart in the old location…

        • #907590

          In older versions of Excel, there was only one XLStart folder, under Program FilesMicrosoft Office…. This meant that all users of a PC shared this folder, and used the same Personal.xls. Newer versions use the folder in Documents and Settings…, so that each user can have his/her own Personal.xls and other startup workbooks. They probably left the old folder in place for compatibility reasons. Or perhaps something deep down in Excel gets nervous if it doesn’t see an XLStart in the old location…

      • #907580

        Hans — Many thanks for the information. That solved the problem! Wonder why it’s necessary to have multiple XLStart folders? Anyway, I love Woody’s Lounge — the instructor in my online class didn’t come up with this answer at all.

    • #907511

      There are several XLSTART folders. The one used by Excel 2002/2003 is

      C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART

      You can also look if an additional startup folder has been specified in the General tab of Tools | Options… in Excel.

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