• Default View in File / New


    Word 97 SR-2. When I select File / New on the menu bar, available templates are displayed in the New / General window. The default view is Large Icons. Can I make the List view or Details view the default view somehow? Thanks.

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    • #510494

      Hello, Jackson.

      As far as I’m aware — this cannot be changed. I’ll be watching this thread closely though in case someone else has an answer.

      • #510502


        Copy this macro to a global template & name it FileNew:

        Sub FileNew()
        ' FileNew Macro
        ' Creates a new document or template
        SendKeys "%3"
        End Sub

        I don’t recall all the different views but you can experiment with %2, %3, etc.

        Hope this helps.

        • #510514

          Thanks, Phil!

          It worked the charm.

        • #510547

          The SendKeys “%3” corresponds to Alt+3, which will toggle the File/New view to “Details”.
          Alt+1 (“%1” in “SendKeys”) corresponds to Large Icon view, and Alt+2 (“%2” in “SendKeys”) corresponds to List view.
          (We had a thread about this one on the departed OL.)

          Since getting onto Word 2000, I haven’t been able to get this approach, or any other, to work with the File/New dialog in Word 2000.

          • #510549

            Hi Gary:

            The macro I posted is what I use in Word 2000. Doesn’t it work for you?

            • #510552

              Hi Phil,

              I think jrmorton has nailed what the issue is. Like jr, I’m using Word 2000 on Windows 2000.


            • #510606

              Just to clarify further:

              I have found that Word 2000 running on Windows 95/98 DOES allow Sendkeys statement to change the view in File/New.
              It is only with Word 2000 running on Windows 2000 where this does NOT work. Very irritating! Again, if anyone finds out how to do this, I would be much obliged.

          • #510550


            I have found that the SendKeys “%2” / “%3” statement works fine with Word 2000 running under Windows 95/98 but NOT with Word 2000 running under Windows 2000. If anybody knows a workaround for this I would be most gratedful. I have been unable to unearth anything in the MS Knowlegebase.

            • #510560


              I ran a quick test today, Word 200 under Windows NT. I clicked on the details button, then closed Word. When I closed Word, I was prompted to save Normal.dot. I saved it, closed Word, and opened Word again, and I had the “details” view.

              The behaviour under Word 97 was different. The setting was retained only for the current session of Word.

              It was a very quick test, and I didn’t go further because it didn’t answer the original problem which was in Word 97.

            • #510668

              Hi Geoff,

              That seems to point to some interesting differences:

              My Word 97 File/New behaves as you report – setting is retained only for current session of Word.

              I’m running Word 2000 on Windows 2000 – there, the behavior (in the user interface) is exactly like in Word 97 – the setting is retained only for the current session of Word.
              And like in Word 97, I can use the key shortcuts Alt+1, 2 or 3 to see the different views.
              But what’s different in my use of Word 2000 is that the macro which was discussed here (and which I use in Word 97), doesn’t work – hard to figure why since SendKeys is still a valid statement – I even tried playing around with the optional Wait value, to no avail.

              It does seem that in your setup, the setting is saving to Normal.dot, but why it would behave differently on Windows 2000, I’ve no idea!


        • #510637

          Phil, your macro works perfectly. Thanks very much!

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