• December Patch Alert: Mostly clear sailing, if you aren’t using Win10 Fall Creators Update

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    We were lucky this month – very few bugs, except for those who tried to update Win10 version 1709. Post coming in Computerworld.
    [See the full post at: December Patch Alert: Mostly clear sailing, if you aren’t using Win10 Fall Creators Update]

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    • #153445

      I have learned much visiting Ask Woody and by are no means a Windows expert but I maybe I should sit still that I cannot (for reasons(s) I don’t understand) update to 1709 and am still at Windows 10 Home (x64) Version 1703 (build 15063.786) !!

      • #153449

        Try disabling your anti-vires/firewall (Internet Security Suite), Run disk Cleanup\Cleanup system files and try again.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #153485

          Or, better, wait until 1709 is ready for prime time. My guess is that it’ll get better next month, but it may take until February.

    • #153472
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    • #153475

      We were lucky this month – very few bugs, except for those who tried to update Win10 version 1709. – woody (Da Boss)

      So does that mean a change to MS-DEFCON 3 (or higher) is imminent?

      • #153484

        I’ll take a fresh look in the morning. For now, we’re still at MS-DEFCON 2. Unless you use IE or Edge, there’s no pressing reason to install anything.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #153487

          I’ll take a fresh look in the morning. For now, we’re still at MS-DEFCON 2. Unless you use IE or Edge, there’s no pressing reason to install anything.

          OK.  Thanks.


    • #153497


      Your CW article says on page 1… “(including the Fall Creators Update, version 1703, which has become more-or-less fully baked and remains my version of choice)”

      Typo? Wasn’t 1703 named “Creators Update” and 1709 “Fall Creators Update”?

      Nice article, as always.

      (If I’m wrong I claim premature senility 🙂

      Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #153513

        OMG. You’re absolutely right!

        I’ll get it fixed as soon as my editors wake up…..


      • #153561

        Fixed. My guys work early!

    • #153705

      Just curious. Will the main Office patches for Jan. be out on Jan. 2 or delayed because of the holidays. Anyone ?

      • #153706

        The Office patches that come out on the first Tuesday are the non-security patches. The Security patches come out on Patch Tues. (second Tues).

        There is no word yet if MS will issue patches on Jan 2.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #153761

      1709 not ready for prime time? Yep, but this is to be expected anymore. Six months of getting patches and fixes for fixes and patches and then we start all over again. Rinse, cycle, repeat.

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