• Database Front-End Filters on Open


    We have an access database of our members with the tables all stored in one mdb file on one computer (memberdata.mdb).
    Each of us has a front end with forms etc on our own computer with tables linked to memberdata.mdb. We have been doing this for years, through a couple versions of both Windows and Office.

    I recently got a new computer with Windows Vista and I upgraded to Office 2007. Suddenly, whenever I open my linked front-end, there is a filter applied and the database is locked on the first record until I click to remove the filter.

    I would appreciate any suggestions for how to get the linked database to open with all the records immediately accessible.

    Thank you,

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    • #1190098

      Open the form in design view. Select the form. In the property window, look for the property “Filter On Load” in the tab Data. If it is set to yes, change it to No. Save the form.

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