I am hoping someone here might be able to at least point me in some direction that might help me get my files back.
At the end of December, my less than 6 month old laptop had an issue and I needed to send it in to be serviced. I backed up what little was on it, as I had all of my data from the last 5 years on my external harddrive. I then wanted to factory reset my laptop of all information so I wouldnt be sending anything sensitive out. So instead of sitting there waiting for 12 hours for everything to delete, I googled how to factory reset Windows 8 (I still can’t figure out Windows 8) and while following the instructions through the menu, it asked me to create a recovery and forced me to select the external otherwise it would not proceed any further. It was done in 3 seconds and I thought something seemed off. When I opened My Computer to check my external, my heart sank when I realized it was showing the capacity as 32 GB and not the 2 TB. Everything was gone.
More googling later, I realized it created a partition on the HD. I was able to delete it, and after some advice from Yahoo Answers, found a recovery program to download and run a deep scan. Catch is, you have to pay $70 for it to actually recover your files. So I was able to see the files sitting there, but had to pay to get them back. So it runs the real scan to recover the files, and instead of seeing pictures in the folders, all I could see was that generic thumbnail graphic for pictures. Attempting to open the pictures yielded a “this file does not exist” type of error. I got back maybe a handful of actual pictures. My boyfriend had run the scan on his laptop initially (I even had to buy a second external HD to re-backup my laptop so I could send it in to be serviced) and said he had some files, so I thought he had everything recovered to his laptop since his scan was run first. So I had already copied my laptop files to the original, screwed up harddrive. (I now realize I’ve probably screwed several GB of lost data and won’t get that back..) I then spent weeks going back and forth with the company trying to arrange a time that they could remote access my laptop and try something else. After about 4 or 5 scans in total, they told me it wasn’t going to work, and refunded my money.
To make things worse, the laptop came back with more issues than I sent it off with, so I’ve been without a laptop for going on 3 months now.
I then decided to call some local businesses who offer data recovery. The first place I called gave me the number for a company called Gillware, because she said they “take it a step further” and didn’t see the point in me paying the local company $50 for a simple diagnostic only to find out they can’t help me. So I called Gillware and the lady there told me it would cost between $900-$1800 to recover data from a 2TB sized device.
Needless to day, I am distraught. All I really want back are my pictures from the last 5 years. Thankfully, I had all of my pictures from my pet that we had to put down 3 years ago. But, I really want my pictures of my current pet from the last 5 years because he is old- 11 years old now.
If anyone has some advice, I would really appreciate it. I got a suggestion to try to find some local companies or IT students on Craigslist who might be able to help me for a more reasonable fee. I’m just afraid that everything I try is slowly chipping away at any recoverable date that might exist.